Chappie 27

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Chapter 27: I adore You

Attention; slight trigger warning: suicide is mentioned.

The wind blows through my hair as I stand on the roof of the old barn.
I'm waiting for Belle.
I didn't rehearse what I was going to say to her when she gets here. Or if she even comes.
I know she saw me kissing Jessica and I know what I'm going to tell her about that.
But she doesn't get to get away with what she did. How could she go upstairs with Kevin?
I'm not going to jump to conclusions and say she did anything, because I know Belle better than that.
Tonight was a bust.
"Dude chill out." Damien said to me as I knocked back another drink.
"Okay man that was your last drink." Luke tells me.
"Would you two get off me already ? I'm fine." I shrugged.
I was a little drunk but I could handle it.
"Hello handsome." Jessica comes up to me.
"Hey Jess-"
"Drink?" She pushes a cup in my face.
"No thanks he's fine!" Damien yells over the music.
I take the cup from her, "thank you."
I drink the hard, brown, beverage. She spins me around and puts her lips on mine.
From the corner of my eye I see Belle go up the stairs with Kevin.
Is she crazy?
Damien grabs my shoulder and turns me to face him, "what are you doing?!"
"Um, kissing Jessica." I slur.
"Do you not remember who you came here with? Do you want to end up like Johnathan ?" He eyes me.
I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and see Belle. She changed since I last saw her.
Her face is stained with tears and her clothes are different.
I want so bad to reach out to her and hold her but she just might push my ass off this roof.
"Look, you're just in time." I point at the sky and a shooting star goes by.
She smiles but then quickly diminishes it.
"What do you what Justin, I want to go back home." She looks at me.
"Okay, first off, what you saw was not what you think it is." I scratch the back of my head.
I sound so damn dumb.
"You're gonna tell me she kissed you." She rolls her eyes.
"Yes! She did! But that doesn't make it any less my fault and I'm sorry." I look away, "I was drunk, and if I wasn't I could've stopped that from happening. I know you saw, it probably hurt you and I really do feel awful and I'm really sorry, I adore you Belle I really do, I'm so sorry-"
"Justin! Justin!" She rushes up to me, "okay its okay."
I fall to my knees and bury my head in her stomach.
"I'm sorry." I cry.
"Its okay Justin, I adore you too. You know I should be apologizing too." She strokes the back of my head.
"You should?" I sniff.
"Yeah. I shouldn't have went upstairs with Kevin. I know you two obviously have some type of hate history and yet I still went. I'm sorry."
"Its not your fault, I wasn't completely honest with you." I look at her.
She kneels down and pays attention.
"Damn, you're probably going to hate me. I knew about the dare between Kevin and some other guys that had to do with you. That's why I hate him."
Her eyes widen, "excuse me-"
"And I didn't tell you because I thought you wouldn't believe me! Like I thought it was going to be one of those moments in the movies when the best friend tries to warn you about the boy but she doesn't believe her best friend and accuses her for trying to like sabotage her something. I'm sorry." I say.
"Well, I really wish you told me; could've saved me a lot of energy but I mean it already happened there's nothing I can do about it now. You will be forgiven on Thursday." She looks serious.
"Okay, I can live with that." I tell her.
"Justin, where were you those two days I didn't see you?" She asks me.
I straighten up. I honestly did forget that I was supposed to tell her. As a matter of fact, I forgot that I even went.
"I went to my brother's grave."
"Oh my god. You don't have to talk-"
"I had an older brother, his name was Johnathan and two or three days ago was the anniversary of his death. I don't see why its called an anniversary. Anniversaries are supposed to be happy things but anyways; he committed suicide because my parents never understood him like they don't understand me."
"He was so cool Belle. He was the captain of the football team, he was smart, smooth with all the girls but only did like this one girl, Bridget. He would be invited to 6 parties in one day that all take place on the same night. I wanted to be him. But you know I was 12 I couldn't be him. My parents are big business people and they wanted us to be that way too. But my brother wanted to be a dancer. Yes, a dancer. He took private ballet classes but then my parents found out and had the teacher "removed." "
"Removed.." Belle looks nervous.
"Really they just paid her a lot of money to leave the state. She lives in fucking Hawaii now or something. Either way that destroyed Johnny and my parents didn't care. They still dragged him to all these executive meetings and business gatherings. So he would drink a lot and do things with a bunch of different girls. One night he came to me and he said: hey Justin you know how in school they say don't let anyone stop you from reaching your dreams? well they are right its people like mom and dad that will stop you from being an engineer. Don't give them that chance. And I had no idea that that would be the last words I would ever hear from him. That same night my dad found him in the bathtub," My voice cracked, "he took an entire bottle of pain reliever and drowned himself. And that was that."
Belle pulled me into a hug, "Justin I'm so sorry. I have to ask, why aren't they around now?"
"Because they know I'm just like Johnny. I don't want to do what they do so they don't want to be around me." I shrug.
"Oh Justin." She cups my face, "I'm so sorry."
"Don't be. None of this has anything to do with you." I kiss her nose.
"Belle, what happened when you went with Kevin?" I asked her.
"Oh, he tried to have sex with me while I was drugged so I took a lamp and hit him with it and escaped." She shrugged.
"Lets go home," She smiles, "I'll order a pizza."
I blinked. He what? We stood up and started going to the ladder.
"He drugged you?"
"Yeah." She said casually.
"I'm gonna kill him."
"No Justin, its over and done with I've moved on you have moved on. I just have no idea what is going to happen on Monday."
"No no, I'll kill him tonight."
She laughed.


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