Chappie 8

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Chapter 8: Bran Muffins

My world is falling apart.
My life is collapsing.
"I'm sorry. What ?" Tabby asks confused. I just stand there in utter shock.
Doctor Jem just told us that my mom is in a coma and they aren't sure when she will wake up.
"Ms Ramirez is currently in a coma because she," he pauses, "she overdosed on Typhenail." I shake my head. I don't know what Typhenail is but its the fact that she overdosed on it.
"Stop," I say, "what is that?"
"Typhenail, is antidepressant. It helps people who are depressed. But your mother went a little too far taking too many and causing her blood to stop flowing to her brain causing her to pass out. And because she didn't receive fast enough help, not saying any of this is your fault, she slipped into a coma." He breaths.
Tabby looks at me.
What am I supposed to say ? What am I supposed to do ? I can't lose her. Not her too.
"Belle.." Tabby says.
"I want to see her." I finally say.
Doctor Jem leads us to room B36 where I see my mom laying on a bed with a ton of shit hooked up to her. I look away as tears start to fall from my eyes. Tabby places a hand on my back, I take deep breaths.
Okay. I'm okay.
We walk over to her and I touch her hand.
Her skin is soft and wrinkled. Her eyes are closed and I try to remember that she is asleep, not dead, asleep.
"Oh Ms Ramirez. You crazy lady." Tabby cries. She whispers, "you have to stay. You know that right? Belle needs you." She looks at me, blows me a kiss and leaves the room.
I look at my mom. She was always so beautiful when she was asleep. She was always so beautiful when she did anything.
"Mom," I whisper, "why? Why didn't you talk to me ?" I sob. "Why didn't I notice? Mommy please. Don't leave me too."
As I walk to my locker I have my head down and my hoodie up along with an iced coffee in my hands. I'm exhausted from being in the hospital all weekend.
It probably wasn't the best idea to walk in school without looking because I ran right into Justin who was with Kyle, Damien, and Luke.
"I'm sorry." I say to Justin. He looks at me at first his face wild with anger but then his face softens when he sees I'm not happy.
"Are you okay? Not that I care." He says.
I look at him and roll my eyes. I really wish I was in the mood but I'm not.
If only he knew.
"Sorry about your shirt." I mumble. "I got some coffee on it." I crouch down to pick up the plastic cup and straw. My little brown paper bag opens from the bottom and my bran muffin rolls out and pretty much skips down the stairs.
He looks at his shirt and scoffs.
"Great. Thanks a lot. You fucked up my shirt." He says very rudely.
Once again I roll my eyes. He has no idea what I have been through for the past 47 hours and yet he's talking to me like that?
"What do you expect me to do about this? Its your fault." He says.
I take a deep breath. "Fuck off." I tell him.
His jaw is practically on the floor, and his friends are laughing.
"Oh shit, she told you man." Damien says.
I push past him and walk about five feet before Justin steps in front of me blocking me from going anywhere. He stares down at me and I struggle to match his gaze.
"Watch it. Because as you know, I can make your life very, very painful." He sneers.
"Leave me alone Justin," I begin, "you have no clue what I had to deal with for the past two days and yet you feel like you have the right to disrespect me?"
Honestly right now I don't care about being his friend, I don't care about his feelings. I just want to go home. I look to my left and I see Tabby nodding at me.
She's proud.
"Don't you have a building to vandalize or something?" I say. His eyes widen.
Oh man.
The moment those words left my lips is the same moment I regretted saying it.
He looks at me like he's about to explode. But then his face contorts and his eyes soften. I feel so bad !
"You," he starts, stepping towards me, "have no right to judge me. Not with your perfect life." He spits.
He has no idea about my life.
And I don't have a clue about his.


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