Chapter 1. The return

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"I'm sorry things have changed, but everything you've thought was a lie."
(A month later)

I sat on the bed, sighing as I looked across the room, the cell only had one working light that flickered every now and then, which constantly annoyed me. Ive been trying to keep track of the days that passed and I'm almost positive it's been about a month since I remember being locked up in here. Yet everyday just felt like another day of me being even more emotionally unstable then I was the last.

I sighed, looking down and my eyes closing, I don't know how long I've been here. But I was slowly giving up, I laid down, my head falling to the pillow and me just staring at the ceiling in deep thought. I slowly rested my eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

Yet the entire time I was just turning and unable to sleep, dreams mixing in with reality and I remember everything.

"Are you my mommy?"

"This is not my interview."

"Be quick."

"Why do you and dan fight all the time?"

"I love you.."

"I could have saved you...."

My eyes opened as I quickly jumped up, hyperventilating and trying to catch my breath, I felt sick and had an intense headache.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to scare you." I heard a voice say.

I turned my head over and saw someone peaking through the cell, "my names Thomas, Thomas Ridgewell. I'm new here and they asked me to take you out for a bit." He explained, he seemed shaken and a bit scared, I scoffed a bit as it reminded me of when I first worked here.

"Okay." I said, not really wanting to lose my one chance of getting away from this cell for a bit. I slowly stood up, as I was still a bit shaky from my dream, I walked over and out the door.

"You're (y/n), right? I heard about your story, or at least what they would tell me, they didn't say much. Just that you escaped for a bit, but was then caught." He explained, I could tell he wanted to break the awkward silence between us.

"Yeah well, that's not the whole truth, but I don't want to get into that right now." I said squinting my eyes as I looked around the hall, seeing each cell having another person in it, I had never seen these people before, they were new and a lot scarier.

But my heart dropped as I looked past Phil's old cell, seeing no one in it. It was empty, which started to make me wonder if everything was actually just my imagination. I felt myself start to sweat out of anxiousness, this place looked different, a lot different then what I remembered.

"The lobby door, right?" I asked bluntly for clarification as I already knew this from when I worked here. I remember taking Daniel up here, I sighed as I reminisced on the memory.

'"Something wrong?" He asked slightly concerned as he looked over and saw my expressionless face.

I shook my head and continued walking, opening the door and looking down at my feet.

Yet I then looked up and my eyes opened wide in disbelieve, I paused staring at the dark haired psychopath I knew before.

"Dan? But you're suppose to be dead-" I whispered softly to myself in question, as I wasn't sure if this was real or just a dream.

Tom looked at me raising an eyebrow, yet I completely ignored him, and ran towards Dan jumping and giving him a hug, cuddling into his shirt, tears almost falling out of my eyes.

"It's you! I can't believe it! I knew you were real!" I mumbled into his shirt, yet it took me by surprise when he turned around, and I felt two hands push me off, making me fall to the floor.

"What the hell are you doing?" He questioned practically yelling, his words were cold and took me by surprise, his eyes were black, filled with darkness and crazy mixed together.

"D-Dan?" I questioned, slightly confused as to why he was acting like that.

"Who are you?" He asked rudely.

"Dan Remember? It's me (y/n)! Where's Phil?" I questioned looking around seeing him no where.

Dan grabbed me and pulled me up as he pushed me against the wall in anger, "how the fuck do you know about Phil!?" He yelled in my face, his hands gripping onto my shoulders harshly.

I looked at him in confusion, staring into his eyes with fear, I didn't answer as I was too scared to say something wrong and get hurt for it.

"Look I don't know who you are, but don't fucking mention his name again." He spoke as he let go of me, my knees became weak and I automatically fell to the floor, staring off into space rethinking everything that just happened.

Tom stared shocked, considering he was new I genuinely just assumed he had no clue what to do in this situation. He looked at me, not knowing if he should intervene or not.

"You really don't remember me?" I whispered but loud enough for Dan to hear.

He gave me a dead cold stare, then laughed a bit at me in pity, "darling, you're out of your mind, I've never seen you before."

He then walked away, and I slowly got up not wanting to believe what was happening. I quickly walked over to tom, more so running actually.

"Please tell me this is some sick joke, he- he doesn't remember me." I began talking to myself.

Tom looked at me a bit confused on what to do, he put and arm around me and a hand on my shoulder as he began to walk me back to my cell. He tried calming me down by whispering that 'everything was going to be fine' and 'everything is okay' but I didn't listen.

I had no idea what was going on, I just questioned everything I thought I knew, this isn't right, this isn't how things are suppose to go,

He doesn't remember me...

The stories not over yet, everything you once thought was a lie, the truth is coming sooner then you expect.


Guess who's back?

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