Chapter 15. Distance

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"I desire the things that will destroy me in the end."
"You need to tie his hands down, we can't risk him doing anything stupid." Chris whispered over to me as he handed me some rope that must have been in the van.

I sighed grabbing the rope and turning over to Dan, he turned his head over to me without saying anything. He looked mad and frustrated for what was happening, I mean who could blame him?

"Put your hands out." I said softly as I looked down avoiding eye contact with him, he did as he was told without saying a word.

I tied his hands up, yet I was shaking as I did so, I don't know why. I should be happy we escaped, I shouldn't be sad or anxious. But then again, Dan doesn't remember, and not only does he not remember, but he thinks I'm the bad guy here. Who's not now a days?

"I hope you know I will be escaping." dan spoke as he looked down at the floor, did he really despise me that much he couldn't even look at me?

I sighed turning away, "that's what I thought too." I mumbled under my breath to were Dan didn't hear.

I couldn't deal with this, he hated me, it took forever to get his memory back last time, who knows how long it take now?

"Chris where are we going?" I questioned turning over to him, I surely hope we would be going somewhere else, we can't risk being found again.

He looked over at Anthony while smirking, he seemed untroubled compared to how I felt. It seemed as if he believed nothing bad was going to happen after all of this, which I truly didn't believe.

"Were going to California." He then said as he nudged Anthony in the front seat, he seemed so overly excited, which don't get me wrong, I was as well. Yet I can't shake the feeling of something going wrong off.

"California?" I questioned doubtingly.

He nodded, "we're going to be at the airport in about 3 hours, so you might as well rest." He said then leaned over to me and whispered, "make sure Dan doesn't try anything stupid."

I nodded then sat across from Dan, he was quiet, and he looked as if he was in deep contemplation.

"I don't know what you're willing to get out of this by bringing me along." He spoke while turning his head over to me. His face was expressionless and his eyes seemed dark and cold.

"It's complicated." I spoke bluntly, I didn't know how to handle this anymore. Should I just tell him? Or should he figure out for himself, this was all so complex, and I was getting tired of this being all I think about.

"Of course it is." Dan bickered as he moved his arms, he looked pretty uncomfortable with the rope attached to his wrist, I must have tied it too tight.

I moved closer to him, "here." I spoke as I untied the rope and loosened it up some, then tied it back again.

He look angry and frustrated, yet he stayed collected, he didn't say anything after that, he just stayed quiet and kept deep in thought.

I rolled my eyes becoming mildly frustrated, "can you stop being mad at me for two seconds?!" I questioned losing my cool.

He raised an eye brow and squinted his eyes in question, "have you forgotten you're the one who kidnapped me?" He said aggressively.

A part of me wanted to yell in his face explaining that it was the other way around originally when me and him first met. When he kidnapped me and forced me to go along with him.

Chris turned over to me, "don't worry about it, just let him be stubborn until he remembers." He whispered.

I nodded and folded my arms as I looked over at Dan, who seemed to be staring back at me angrily. I could feel his eyes burning into mine, yet I broke it by looking away anxiously then without thinking eventually rested my eyes by closing them lightly as I drifted off to sleep.


Extremely sorry if this chapter seems a bit boring, I've just been very busy and haven't had the time. Yet just know next chapter will be big so hopefully you enjoy that!❤️

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