Chapter 5. No time left

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"I can't see you in my dreams anymore."
I was laid down against a wall, staring blankly into oblivion, being to wrapped up in my own thoughts to even move. But my head uncontrollably turned as I heard foot steps walking towards the cell.

"Shit.." I cursed under my breath, taking a step back, preparing myself for whoever it was.

The footsteps got closer, and soon enough I saw a shadow, yet a sigh of relief escaped my lips when the shadow was only Tom walking here.

"It's time to go out for a bit." He exclaimed while talking a key out of his pocket and unlocking the cell doors.

I held my arm feeling a bit anxious and full of anxiety, we walked out and the halls were completely silent, the only sound you could hear were me and Toms foot steps escalating through out the long hallway. I wondered why it was so quiet, did Ms. Sugg really scare everyone that badly?

I got to the lobby and saw Dan sitting next to a table, something told me I should walk over there and start talking to him...but honestly I don't think I can do this anymore.

I could see my reflection through a mirror that was on the wall, I looked terrible. My hair was tangled, my eyes had bags, and in general I felt gross.

I sighed walking over to a chair that was completely across from Dan, I wanted to keep my distance from him.

I just wanted time to think through this, I stared down at the floor, my foot tapping continuously as I got more and more anxious. I glanced up at Dan every once and awhile, trying to remember the sweet psychopath I knew before, but he was different now.

"Can you stop staring at me?!" I heard him ask angrily making me jump.

I didn't answer, and stayed quiet as I didn't really know how to respond except by quickly looking away.

He walked over here which took me by surprise and sat down in the seat in front of me.

"Who are you?" He asked squinting his eyes and tilting his head slightly.

I rolled my eyes, "didn't we already introduce ourselves?" I questioned sarcastically, avoiding eye contact with him. He was intimidating and it made me feel tense, as if one thing I said could make him explode.

"I mean who are you really? Why are you here?" He asked whispering and getting a bit closer to my face, as if he was being cautious for anyone else to hear.

A light blush approached my face, "I um-" but I was interrupted when both of our heads turned to see Ms. Sugg walking out the door.

"Shit." Me and dan both said at the exact same time, we exchanged looks with each other and I quickly got out of my seat running to the bathroom corner, Dan looked over and followed.

"Why are you hiding?" I asked which was meant to be a whisper yet came out in an aggressive way.

"Well I pulled the alarm, and I have no doubt she checked the tapes and saw it was me." He whispered back facing away from me, as he checked behind the corner to see if she saw us.

"Wait there are cameras in this place?" I questioned anxiously, thinking maybe if they had tapes, I could figure out a way to show Dan we escaped months ago. This honestly took me by surprise that this place had actual cameras, I didn't think they could afford them.

Maybe I am insane (dan howell x reader)Where stories live. Discover now