Chapter 4. Cant save us

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"You're like the moon, part of you is hidden away."
"I don't think that worked." I sighed, as me and Tom were walking back through the hall.

Me and Tom talked for awhile and he handed me some pills I was suppose to take, they were the same pills that were prescribed to Daniel. So I didn't take them remembering what he said.

'They turn your brain to mush.'

After Tom failed to make me take them he looked at the time and realised he had to go, leaving me alone in the room. The light still flickering and me being alone with my thoughts. I tried going to sleep, I really tried,  yet nothing's working. I'm becoming over whelmed, through out the night I was tossing and turning, being completely uncomfortable on the bed that was solid metal.

I could feel the anger building up inside of me, it was burning. I felt unstable and I grabbed the pillow that was on the bed and threw it across the cell out of frustration. I groaned, hiding my face in my hands as tears started to peak through.

But I was startled and I jumped as I heard a loud alarm go through out the asylum, I looked up and turned my head around as the cell doors automaticity opened. I got off my bed quickly as my eyes glanced around, 'what the hell was going on?' I thought.

 I got off my bed quickly as my eyes glanced around, 'what the hell was going on?' I thought

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I ran out the cell, looking around and seeing patients running rapidly throughout the halls. And my eyes focused when I looked over and saw a familiar face.

"Chris!" I yelled seeing if he would respond.

His head shot over and his mouth dropped as he made eye contact with me, "(y/n)?" He yelled back.

I smiled, tears almost running down my face for how over joyed I was that he remembered me, I ran up to him and we both opened our arms as we collided into a hug.

"I can't believe it's you!" I said into his shirt as patients were still walking around.

I let go of him now feeling a slight bit of worry pass by me, he might know more then I do about what happened.

"Chris, what happened the day they found us?" I asked in a serious tone, not even caring about what was happening now.

He looked at me a bit spaced out, "I uh I don't really remember. All I know is that I passed out and woke up here, I thought you died!" He said as he hugged me once more.

"I don't know what's going on, but something twisted is happening." I mumbled looking  around seeing the patients going mad and no one doing anything about it.

Yet I became distracted as my head turned over and I saw the one and only Daniel Howell, he was sitting on a chair smirking to himself, not even caring about what was happening. Chris saw him as well, "there's Dan!" He said looking over to me as he began to run over to him.

I immediately snapped out of it, "wait Chris! No don't go over there!" I yelled running after him and grabbing his arm, pulling him back to me.

"Why did you do that?" He asked sounding a bit pissed.

I sighed looking down at the floor, "he doesn't remember us." I said bluntly.

Chris looked at me and thought I was joking, then scoffed as he walked over to Dan himself.
I wanted to chase after him again but I knew it wouldn't work.

"Dan, thank god you're alright, I had no clue what happened to you." Chris said to dan placing a hand on his shoulder, yet Dan pushed his hand away harshly.

I cursed under my breath knowing this wasn't going to end well.

I walked over, "hey psychopath." I joked with Dan, still needing to play it cool.

He looked over to me, "oh great now you're here." He exclaimed.

"I missed you too." I said sarcastically while nudging him. It seemed as if he was getting used to me, but he still kept his guard.

"Look I get you're madly attracted to me, but I'm taken at the moment." He said sarcastically smirking as he walked away.

I paused, 'taken?' I mumbled to myself in question.

But these thoughts were distracted as we heard a loud whistle like sound go through out the hallway, many patients covered their ears and began screaming as the noise was to unbearable, some hid back into their cells.

"That's right, go back in you animals!" I heard a female voice yell, I turned around seeing her, Ms. Sugg, holding a whistle and making sure everyone went back in their cell.

Chris grabbed my arm, "I'll try to see you soon." He said giving my arm a tight squeeze for reassurance then running away. I looked around once more seeing everyone so scared, and running back in as Ms. Sugg yelled and locked them all back up.

'She doesn't know I know about everyone still being alive, I can't run into her." I thought, I ran back into my cell closing it quickly and going to the corner of the room to were she couldn't see me.

I could hear her heels tap on the ground throughout the whole hall way each step she took.

"Now I hope you all know that the alarm you heard was not from us, someone got out of their cell, and pulled the emergency alarm. We will be finding out who pulled it, and that person will be having extreme punishment. So don't think you're off the hook." She yelled loudly then walked out.

I took a breath of relief, thankful she didn't see me and I fell to the floor, my knees were tired and I just wanted to sit down for a bit. I just couldn't shake the feeling off that something bad was going to happen.

Maybe I am insane (dan howell x reader)Where stories live. Discover now