Chapter 17. Quiet plane rides

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"Does the night frighten you too?"
We boarded the plane and I felt myself becoming cautious about my surroundings. Chris sat next to Phil and Anthony, and of course I get seated next to Dan.

He wasn't talking, he wasn't looking at me, he just stared out the window looking off into oblivion as the airplane began to take off.

"You don't have to always be so quiet you know?" I spoke softly as I laid my head on my hand, looking up at him.

He turned over, looking annoyed and frustrated. "What's it to you?" He questioned carelessly as he glanced at me.

"I'm just curious...." I spoke trailing off as I looked around the plane.

"You know, you remind me of snow." I began to say smirking to myself as I was the only one who knew what that actually meant.

He rolled his eyes, "how?" He questioned now gaining interest in conversation.

"You're beautiful, but cold." I said looking away from him and smirking to myself, I don't know wether I was expecting a reaction or not. Or if I was expecting him to somehow remember everything he once forgot. Yet there was no reaction, just him seeming to frustrated to even care.

"Maybe in your eyes.." he mumbled under his breath as a sigh escaped his lips.

I was becoming impatient, nothing was happening, I wasn't achieving anything by this. He still hates me, and I was getting so tired of it.

Later through out the flight a lady came over and asked if we wanted any drinks or snacks and when she turned over to ask Dan, he didn't answer and intentionally began to ignore her.

I raised an eye brow wondering why he was doing that, was he trying to draw attention to us? Chris looked over at me and mouthed a 'do something' over to me.

"Sir? Um are you okay?" She questioned looking over to him, yet he still continued to ignore so eventually I moved my leg without her seeing and kicked him, not too hard but hard enough to make him jump. He shot his head over at me and squinted his eyes angrily. Yet I nudged my head slightly signalling him to answer the lady.

He rolled his eyes and looked at the lady with a sarcastic smile, "I'll take water." He spoke bluntly.

The lady gave a suspicious look then wrote it down on the piece of paper as she walked over and took the next persons order.

"What the hell was that about, are you trying to get us in trouble?!" I questioned in a loud whisper.

"No shit, Sherlock" he hissed.

I sighed closing my eyes and facing my head down in frustration. "Look I know you're mad about this whole thing, okay? I get it." I began to say until I was interrupted by Dan ignorantly interrupted me asking, "oh yeah you've been kidnapped and taken on an airplane all the way to another country." He sarcastically commented.

Now a part of me found that ironic, which it was, but another part of me wanted to tell Dan yes, and say that he was the one who kidnapped me, just to prove a point.

"Yes actually." I mumbled under my breath loud enough for him to hear as I looked away.

He raised an eye brow, and I could actually see a bit of softness in his eyes. Yet he quickly covered his soft side by folding his arms and looking out the window, not saying a word after that, and silence filling the space between us through out the entire plane ride.


Finally the plane had landed and we were on the road again, Anthony had rented a car with eight seats which was highly convenient for all of us. Phil had fallen asleep during the ride and Chris and Anthony were rambling on about plans. Leaving me and Dan in uncomfortable silence as we were sat right next to each other, yet Chris tied Dans hands again, so he seemed on edge.

"Chris, where are we going?" I questioned leaning over to him.

"Where going to my house for now until we figure out what to do with everything going on." Anthony answered instead of Chris.

I hummed in thought, thinking this might actually work out for us.

I saw dan tense up, he looked worried, his fist was clenched with anticipation. I put my hand on his thoughtlessly without saying anything and looked up at him, "what's wrong?" I questioned.

He paused staring into my eyes then snapped out of it, he removed his hand from mine in a snatching motion as a blushed appeared on his cheeks, "nothing." He mumbled under his breath avoiding eye contact with me.

After a couple seconds of silence went by Dan took a deep breath and turned over to me, "look, if you and your psycho friends are planning on killing me, can you get it over with already. I don't wanna wait any longer for something that's going to happen no matter what." Dan spoke in a whispering tone, sounding frightened yet hiding it well. I could hear my heart drop as my hands became shaky, he thinks we're going to kill him?

"Dan, they're not going to hurt you." I said bluntly as I looked up at him.

"Whatever.." he mumbled under his breath staring off again into oblivion, contemplating everything intensely, I could tell all this thinking wasn't good for him. He was becoming too quiet, and hiding everything in.

I stopped thinking as my head slowly started
To lay down against the seat, my eyes closing slowly as it was uncontrollable. I tried to keep them opened yet failed as I began to fall asleep, my head falling onto Dans shoulder, and me being too exhausted to move away from him. Yet he didn't seem to mind it much, he just coughed it off as I slowly started to drift off...

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