Chapter 2: Fear In Pixie Village

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At Alfea College, the Squadd faced four mysterious wizards and suffered a serious defeat. A big adventure started for the Squadd, which lead them to discover great powers and new secrets. Ms. Faragonda revealed the first secret; an ancient and terrible truth about the human world and its lost fairy.

In the simulation room, the Squadd are sitting on the bleachers as Faragonda is going to show them a slideshow, so she can tell them the story about the Wizards of the Black Circle. All of the Squadd's eyes are red and tired because it is early in the morning.

"We're ready, Professor Palladium. Let the simulation begin!" Faragonda said.

"These holographic virtual projections are drawn from the actual memories of fairies," Palladium said as he pushes some buttons on the keyboard of the computer and a simulation picture appears before the Squadd.

All of the Squadd groan.

"Now, boys and girls, you're about to learn the history of the Hunters of the Black Circle," Faragonda said and a picture appears of a palace around beautiful grass, trees, and flowers.

"That's Earth!" Kajari shouts out.

"You're right, Kajari. Their story begins in the human world. In a time where Earth's energy was dispensed by fairies and they would dispense that energy through air, water, and fire."

The slide changes and four mean appear on the slide.

"But that all changed when four men arrived. The Wizards of the Black Circle."

"That's them!" Hajarianna shouted angrily.

"We want a rematch!" Musa said.

"Yeah, a rematch!" Willow said.

"Calm down!" Faragonda said. "You must learn about your enemies before you can defeat them. Their dark magic is almost impossible to defeat. These wizards created a spell that would protect them from fairy magic. So they would catch fairies, rip off their wings, and take their powers."

All of the Squadd angrily ball their fists and gasps.

"One by one, the fairies of Earth were defeated and with each fairy they destroyed, Kaneal and the Wizards of the Black Circle became more powerful."

"No one could beat them?" Hajari says worriedly.

"There must be a way," Hajarianna says as she bows her head and covers her face.

"Maybe an encoded spell," Willow said.

"Morgana, Queen of the Earth Fairies tried that and even she was defeated. And not even the major fairies, the supreme guardians of nature's forces, could beat the Wizards of the Black Circle. Kaneal had one and magic of Earth disappeared," Faragonda said.

"This is horrible. I always grew up hearing fairy stories, but never anything terrible like this one," Hajari said.

"That's because humans soon forgot about us. We became nothing, but storybook figures read about in fairytales."

"But without fairies who protected the world from darkness?" asked Michael.

"Nobody and the human world without protection slipped into chaos, war, and intolerance." Faragonda slowly walks out of the simulation room as the Squadd follow her.

"If we find those four guys again, we're going to rewrite history and make them part of the past," said Hajarianna.

"The only chance of that happening is if humans believe in magic again. But even if that happens, the wizards will not be easy to beat," Faragonda said.

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