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"Charlie, please be quiet," I begged.

It was four in the morning and Charlotte was up for what seems like the thousandth time tonight.

"Charlie, please," I cried.

Lately, she has been getting up several times a night, and it's been hard to get a decent sleep. After another ten minutes or so of her crying, I picked her up and let her rest on my chest. I lightly rubbed her back and eventually got her to stop crying. While she stopped crying, she was still awake. I helped her roll off my chest and onto my bed. I kept my left arm around her so she wouldn't fall.

After I made sure she was comfortable, I placed her pacifier in her mouth, and started looking for a book to read her. The closest thing to me was Goodnight Moon. I snatched the book off my bedside table, and started reading it to her.

"In the great, green room, there was a telephone, and a red balloon, and a picture of a cow jumping over the moon... and there were three little bears sitting on chairs... and two little kittens... and a pair of mittens... and a little toy house... and a young mouse... and a comb, and a brush, and a bowl full of mush... and a quiet old lady who was whispering hush..."

As I read, Charlotte wouldn't stop smiling and her pacifier kept falling out. I let out a content sigh and put it back in her happy, little mouth. She kept reaching for the book as she giggled at the pretty pictures. I fixed her pacifier once more before I went on.

"Goodnight moon," I continued. "Goodnight moon. Goodnight cow, jumping over the moon. Goodnight light... and the red balloon. Goodnight bears. Goodnight chairs. Goodnight kittens and goodnight mittens. Goodnight clocks and goodnight socks. Goodnight little house and goodnight mouse.

Goodnight comb, and goodnight brush... goodnight nobody, goodnight mush. And goodnight to the old lady, whispering hush. Goodnight stars. Goodnight air. Goodnight noises everywhere..."

I looked over to Charlotte, and sure enough, she was sleeping soundly in my arm. I kissed her forehead and curled up next to her.

"Goodnight, goose."


"Dan?" Phil whispered. "Dan, it's time to get up. You have to get to school."

I didn't hear him, considering this was the first time I had been able to sleep all night. Phil stood next to my bed and found Charlotte sprawled out next to me. He smiled as he tried picking her up. Once I felt the weight being lifted from the bed, I sprung up in panic.

"Jesus Christ, Phil," I breathed. "Don't scare me like that!"
"Scare you like what?"
"I thought you were a creep trying to steal my baby, my god," I sighed. "What time is it?"
"Time for you to get up and get ready for school, c'mon."
"What? No, it can't be 5:30 yet..."
"Well it is. Get up."
"God damnit," I whined.
"What's your problem?"
"Charlie was up crying all night; I'm exhausted!"
"Okay, let me take her." He picked her up from the bed and held her in his arms. "Get ready for school, eat a decent breakfast, and go. I'll get her ready and take her to daycare."
"You're a life saver," I mumbled into my hands.
"Don't mention it." He pat my back and walked out with Charlotte.

I got out of bed, got into my shitty school uniform, and headed for the kitchen. I dug through the cabinets and grabbed the first box of cereal I could find. I poured myself a bowl and tried to keep myself awake as I ate.

"Phil!" I whined.
"What?" he asked.
"Can you make me a cup of coffee to go?"
"Please..." I pouted.
"Fine," he sighed. He whipped up a cup of cinnamon coffee and poured it into a travel mug. "Here."
"Thank you."
"Are you gonna be okay to drive to school?"
"I had orientation last week; I know where it is."
"No, I mean you're really sleep deprived."
"I'm sure I'll be fine. Bye."
"Bye," he waved.
"Be good for Phil," I said as I kissed Charlotte's head. "You have no idea what I'm saying... anyway, she's been cranky lately, so just–"
"You're gonna be late," Phil warned.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm going."

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