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"What the fuck do you mean I didn't get accepted?" I shouted.
"Look man, that's what they told me," PJ defended.
"May... Maybe they-they–" I stuttered.
"Dude, just keep an eye out for other schools. Okay? It's late—I gotta go."

I hung up the phone and threw it on the couch. I collapsed onto the floor and started to cry. Phil let out a sigh and sat next to me.

"You okay?"
"No," I sobbed. "I didn't get into Manchester and after school I'm gonna have to move... I can't afford a new place, I can't move in with my parents, I can't mooch off of you when I graduate. My life's going to shit before my eyes."
"No it's not," Phil reassured.
"Yes, it is..."

I covered my face with my hands and continued crying. As I drowned in my sobs, I felt a tiny hand tap my stomach. I moved my hands down a few centimeters to reveal Charlotte pouting. I rubbed her back and flashed her a forced smile. She crawled a bit closer to my face and patted my damp cheeks. I quietly chuckled and dried my eyes.

"Dada..." she said.
"Hi, goose..." I kissed her hand and smiled. "At least you're not crumbling before me."
"Knock on wood," Phil said as he knocked three times.
"You and your stupid superstitions." I rolled my eyes.
"You'll be thanking me when she's the most perfect thing to ever walk this earth."
"She already is."
"Is not."
"How so?" I scoffed.
"Cause she can't fuckin' walk," Phil teased.
"Hey, don't shame my baby," I laughed. "Oh, little Miss Charlotte, it's past your bedtime."

I picked her up and carried her to my room. I placed her in her cot and made sure she was asleep before I headed back to the lounge. I collapsed on the couch and contemplated life.

"Dan, don't worry about all of this nonsense. You'll get accepted to a better university. And, if you need the money, I'll float you some so you can pay for rent and daycare until you get a decent-paying job."
"I don't know, Phil."
"Why don't you get some rest... try and get your mind off this crap."
"That sounds like a good idea," I sighed.

I headed down the hall, but was stopped by Phil.

"Did you finish your homework?" he hollered.
"Yes," I chuckled. "Night."


"Knock, knock," I said. I lightly knocked on Ms. Pentland's door before entering.
"Hey doll," she smiled. "Lunch time?"
"Take a seat." She pat my chair. "Do you need any food warmed up?"
"Diet Coke?"
"Yes please," I beamed.
"Be right back."

I pulled out my lunch bag, as usual, and awaited Ms. Pentland's return. After she handed me the silver can, she sat back down in her swivel chair, and dug into her lunch.

"So what's been up with you, Dan?"
"How do you mean?" I asked, biting into my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
"Your marks have been dropping lately. What's up?"
"Just stressed... that's all..."
"You know you can talk to me about that stuff. Now tell me what's been going on. Also, don't tell me that been focused on Charlotte bullshit."
"I didn't get my letter from Manchester yet..."
"Oh... I'm sure it's on its way."
"I dunno," I shrugged. "I'm just stressing that I'm gonna have to move and I won't have the money to do so."
"I'm sure it'll all work out."
"Can we please stop talking about this stuff?"
"Yeah, of course."
"So how's Darcy?"
"She's doing well. Does Charlie still want that play-date with her this weekend?"
"From what I can understand from dada, yes," I laughed.
"Awesome," she said. "How're Phil and David?"
"They're good," I nodded. "Still can't believe Phil's moving out."
"He's engaged, can you blame him?"
"A little," I said.
"Uh-oh." Ms. Pentland cleared her throat. "What's wrong?"
"I just... I don't know." I took a sip of my soda. "It's just that Phil's so young–"
"How old?"
"Okay, continue."
"It's so fucking young to get married, move in with someone, and commit to them. For fucks sake, you were in your late twenties when you got married and yet you still got divorced."
"Because I wasn't with the right person. When you have the right person, your soulmate if you will, you just know."
"Then why'd you marry Matt?"
"I have no idea... I was young and stupid–"
"Exactly!" I exclaimed. "I'm scared this poor, naive man is making a huge mistake!"
"What makes you say he's naive?"
"Because he's just so consumed in the love aspect of it... he's in love with the idea of being in love..."
"Don't meddle, Daniel," Ms. Pentland warned.
"I know, but–"
"Just stay out of it. If Phil's as smart as I remember him being, then he'll catch on if David's not right for him. If they're right for each other, well then, they're right for each other. Maybe Phil just got lucky and found his soulmate early. There's no reason why you should get in between them."
"You're right," I mumbled. "I feel like a jackass for even bringing it up."
"Don't be," she said. "You're losing your friend in a few months... you're losing your baby's support system. It's hard for you; I get it."
"Thanks for understanding."
"Well, darling, it's sort of my job."


"Hey," Phil greeted. He was at the kitchen table grading papers.
"Hi," I said. I was pushing Charlotte's stroller through the door as I bounced the sleepy baby on my hip. "How was school?"
"It was okay," Phil shrugged. "Based on these test scores, I can deter that the kids clearly aren't paying attention to me. What about you?"
"Boring, as usual," I said. I pushed the stroller off into the hall before setting Charlotte down on a play mat.
"Do you have any homework?"
"Yeah, I got some of it done during my shift at work, but I still have physics and English."
"I can help with English, if you want."
"That'd be great," I sighed.

I tossed my keys in the key bowl on the breakfast bar and headed into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and an apple from the fruit bowl. I stuck the apple in my mouth as I cracked the bottle lid open.

"Did you notice what was on the fridge?" Phil asked.
"No," I mumbled. I spun around on my heels to find a long anticipated piece of paper.

Dear Mister Daniel Howell,
We are pleased to inform you that you have the opportunity of attending Manchester University in the upcoming year...

"I got accepted to Manchester," I gasped. "I got accepted to Manchester!" I cheered.

I set the apple and water down on the breakfast bar and ran over to Phil. I gave him a tight hug and cried into the crook of his neck.

"I got accepted to Manchester," I kept repeating.
"I'm so proud of you, Dan."
"Oh my god," I sobbed. "Charlie, daddy got accepted to his dream uni!"

I picked the infant up and proceeded to spin her around. She giggled a bit as I pressed many kisses into her cheek. I rested my head on hers and smiled from ear to ear.

"Are you proud of daddy, goose?"
"Can you say: yay?" Phil asked. "Yay, yay, yay," he clapped.
"Yay," Charlotte laughed.
"Good job," I cried.

For the first time, in what seemed like forever, everything fell into place.

Everything was perfect.

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