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"I am actually going to crumble without you," I jokingly said to Phil.

I was following him around the flat, pestering him about leaving me for the holidays. Phil teasingly ignored me as he continued to pack his bag.

"Phil!" I whined.
"What?" he chuckled. "You'll be fine. I'll only be gone for a week."
"You know what happened the last time you left for that long."
"And look! You're both still alive and well! You'll be fine."
"Go stay with your parents for the week."
"They're gonna be in Thailand..."
"Is your brother gonna be home, at least?"
"Yeah, he is."
"Why don't you stay with him? See if he can help."
"It's worth a shot," I shrugged.
"So you'll survive without me?"
"Probably not, but we'll see."
"Good," Phil laughed. "I'll see you in a week."
"Yeah, yeah," I huffed.
"I'd say bye to Charlie, but she's sleeping and I'm not cruel enough to wake her," Phil grinned. "See ya."


"Hey," I mumbled. I lugged in Charlotte's carrier along with our luggage. "Could you do me a favor?"
"Yeah, what's up?" Adrian raised a brow.
"Can you grab the play pen out of the back seat?"

I set the sleeping baby's carrier down on the coffee table in the lounge. I dropped my luggage near the stairs and sat on the couch. After Adrian carried the play pen in, he dropped it on the floor, and closed the front door, before joining me. I was contently sitting on the couch, admiring Charlotte.

"Do you regret keeping her?" Adrian asked.
"Not at all," I smiled. "She's the love of my life..."
"Is she ever a burden?"
"Of course," I scoffed, "all kids are... but they are so, so worth it."
"You're like a changed man, Howell."
"Thanks," I smiled. I took Charlotte out of her carrier and set her on my lap.
"What do you think your life would be like if you took mum's advice?"
"And gave her up?" I questioned.
"That's a good question..."


"Dan, please don't keep this baby... you will regret it for the rest of your life..."
"Please mum, just let me do the one week thing. I want this life experience..."
"Fine, I tried," she sighed. "Here." She held out her hand.
"What're these for?"
"They're my car keys."
"What am I supposed to do with these?"

I took the keys from mum's hand and gathered all my things. I buckled the baby into the car and started driving to Manchester. On my way, I passed the fire station.

It's the right thing to do....

I shook my head in frustration and pulled the car into the stations parking lot. I took the baby out of her seat and walked into the building. I searched for where I would inevitably safe drop the baby. Once I found it, I awkwardly waited by the desk.

"Hi, can I help you?" the young woman asked.
"Hi, I would, um, like to... y'know..."
"Sir, are you trying to safe drop this child."
"Yes," I sighed.
"I'll take her."

The woman smiled as she held out her arms. I pursed my lips and stared at the sleeping baby in my arms. Her little nose was scrunched up and her tiny mouth was hanging open ever so slightly. I let out a distressed sigh and handed the baby over.

"Does this cute, little angel have a name?"
"No..." I shook my head.
"Oh... well alrighty then... Now, I'm required to ask; are you sure you want to give this baby up?"
"Yes," I weakly said. "I'm way too young to have a baby, and I think she'll be better off without me..."
"Okay," she said. "Just sign these papers, and she'll be off your hands."

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