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"Phil! Phil, come here and look at this!" I called. I was laying on my stomach in the lounge; Charlotte was on the other side.
"What?" he asked. He ran into the lounge and nearly tripped over my long legs. "What's wrong?"
"Look what I did! Charlie, come here."

She sloppily propped herself up and started tugging herself towards me. I smiled from ear to ear as I held my arms out for her. After she crawled into my arms, I snatched her up, and gave her a big hug.

"Good job!" I cheered.
"Holy crap, you made her mobile..."
"Isn't it cool?" I chuckled.
"Have you baby-proofed the flat yet?"
"Did I what?"
"I'll text you a list of shit to pick up at the store."
"Wait... what?"
"You have to baby-proof the place so she doesn't get into random cupboards or the toilet or something."
"You also have to get those little plastic things for outlets so she doesn't electrocute herself."
"You couldn't have told me this before?" I teased.
"I didn't know you were teaching her how to move."
"Can you please watch her while I run down to the store?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Thank you."

I handed Charlotte to Phil before grabbing my car keys and running out of the apartment. I drove over to my job, ran inside the store, and asked Angie if we stocked any baby-proofing items.

"Hey, hey, Angie," I huffed.
"What? Are you supposed to be working?"
"No, I'm off today, but I have a question for you."
"What's up?"
"Do we have any baby-proofing crap?"
"Yeah... how did you not know that? You haven't baby-proofed your home yet?"
"No, I haven't."
"Why not?"
"Cause she just learned how to crawl; I haven't needed this shit until now."
"Isle nine, hun."

I walked through the store until I found the isle. I started browsing through all the locks that might have been somewhat useful. Then, my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.
"Dan! Holy shit, Dan!"
"What? What's wrong?" I panicked.
"Listen to this!"
"What are you–"
"Dada..." Charlotte mumbled.
"Oh my god..." I teared up. "Hi, baby," I chuckled. "Talk for me again..."
"Dada!" she giggled.
"Oh my god," I sobbed.
"Isn't that cool?" Phil cheered. "Alright, I'll let you get back to shopping."
"Thank you so much for calling me," I beamed.

End Call.

I quickly shoved all the supplies in my shopping cart and ran to the till. Since there was no one at the check-out counters, I ran behind the counter, and started scanning the items. After paying, I raced to my car and sped home.

"Did she say anything else?" I asked as I ran into the flat. I dumped the shopping bags on the couch and joined Phil and Charlotte on the floor.
"No, she didn't."
"Say dada for me," I smiled. She just stared at me. "Please, goose... do it for daddy..." Nothing.
"Maybe she's just tired," Phil insisted.
"Yeah, maybe," I mumbled. "I'm, uh, gonna go set this stuff up."

I left Phil in the lounge with Charlotte while I fumbled around with the baby-proofing contraptions. Once I properly assembled them into the cupboards, drawers, outlets, and such, I joined my pretty girl in the living room.

"Thanks for watching her," I said.
"It was no trouble," he smiled. "She's such a sweet kid."
"I know," I whispered. "Can you speak for daddy?" I asked Charlotte.
"Dada." She pointed to Phil. 

I let out a sigh and gave her a hug. My eyes started to well up with tears as she babbled. My eyes slowly fell out of focus as I held her. Charlotte started nodding off; her grip on my shirt tightened as if she were trying to pull me closer. I kissed her right temple, got up from the couch, and brought her to her crib. I laid her down, made sure she was comfortable, and let her drift off to sleep.

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