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"What the hell..." I mumbled, waking up from what seemed like a daze.
"Morning," Phil said.
"What happened last night?"
"You know damn well what happened." He looked to me. "It was good, I hope."
"Phil, I..." I quickly sat up. "Bloody hell!" I hissed. "What the fuck did you do the me?"

He knelt on the bed and came face-to-face with me.

"Something you needed." He lightly grazed his lips over mine and smiled. I pushed him off and held my head in my hands. "Are you okay?"
"No," I cried.
"Oh shit, you're actually upset... What's wrong?"
"I'm confused, and mad, and annoyed, and–"

Charlotte walked in, rubbing her eyes and pushing her curls out of her face. Phil quickly rolled off of me and sat in bed.

"Yeah, goose? What's up?"
"I'm hungry..."
"Oh, um, okay. I'll be there in a minute, okay?"

She ran out and I fell back on the bed. I let out a whine as my back hit the mattress.

"Hey, Howell."
"Yeah?" I mumbled.
"This is gonna sound odd, but bear with me."
"Oh god," I sighed, "what?"
"You clearly need someone around. Partially for taking care of Charlotte and partially for your own sake."
"Yeah, so?"
"I say, we make a deal. In five years, if neither one of us is married or in a serious relationship, we get together, and I help be Charlie's second parent," he grinned.
"I don't know... five years doesn't seem like much time..."
"C'mon, what do you have to lose?"
"I'll think about it, okay? Now help me out of bed."


"Hey guys!" Carrie cheered. "Do you want the usual?"
"Yes, please," I mumbled.
"Hi!" Charlotte peered her eyes over the counter.
"Well, hello there," Carrie chuckled. "£7.50, Dan."
"Here y'go.."
"It'll be ready in a few."
"Thanks, Carrie."

I picked Charlotte up and set her on my hip. I walked over to our usual table and set our belongings down. Charlotte kicked her legs back and forth in the chair as I pulled a coloring book out of my backpack.

"Do you want crayons or colored pencils?"
"Crayons, please... pencil break a lot..."
"That's cause you press so hard, silly goose," I laughed. I pulled out a box of crayons and set them on the table for her.
"Dan!" Carrie yelled.
"I'll be right back, okay? Daddy's gonna go get us our stuff, okay?"
"Kay," she hummed. 

I got up, grabbed our beverages, and Charlotte's snack bag.

"Drink up, babe. Be careful, alright?"
"Yes, daddy."

She snatched her special made chocolate milk and started sipping it. As she alternated between drinking her milk and eating her marble pound cake, I saw Louise walk in. I flagged her down and she quickly walked over.

"Hey, Dan. Hello, Miss Charlotte." Charlotte waved as she continued kicking her legs.
"I need to talk to you."
"Can I order my stuff first?" she chuckled.
"Yeah, of course," I mumbled. Louise did what she needed to do before joining my table.
"What's up?" I panicked and looked to Charlotte.
"Charlie?" She cocked her head to the side. "Wanna listen to some music while you draw?"

She nodded as I pulled her headphones out of the backpack. I slung them over her head and made sure they weren't crushing her ears. I played some random Disney songs and she started having a pleasant bop.

"Good?" I gave her a thumbs up.
"Good!" she yelled a little too loudly.
"So what's your problem?" Louise asked.
"I had sex last night..."
"Really? Hm, good for you." She shrugged as she sipped her coffee.
"With Phil," I gritted my teeth.

She took a deep breath and made sure she had finished her sip before she cursed me out.

"Are you fucking insane?" she hissed. "Why did you screw a married man?"
"He's getting a divorce..."
"Wait, really?" I nodded. "So what's the issue?"
"I'm confused... I-I don't know if I liked it o-or if it was just the lack of sex or–"
"Hush, babe," she said. "I feel like you forget I do this kind of stuff for a living. Just breathe, alright?"
"I'm breathing," I huffed. "I just–"
"Knock it off," she snapped. "Jesus Christ, most people are less wound up after a good fuck. Never met someone who was worse." She sighed and sipped her coffee. "Yes, you fucked a guy. So what! No one cares!"
"I care!"
"Why?" Louise yelled. "Because you're 'straight'? Jesus H. Christ, let go of your goddamn pride!"
"I gotta go. I'll see you later."
"Bye, Dan." She waved to Charlotte and smiled. "I'll see you soon."


"Hey, so I was messing around with–"
"Okay..." I cut Phil off.
"Okay what?" he chuckled.
"We have a deal. In five years, if we're both still single and not in a serious relationship, we get together."

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