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"I don't like it," Charlotte pouted.
"I think you look beautiful," I smiled.

I stood behind her in the bathroom as we both looked in the mirror. I was fluffing up her freshly cut hair. Charlotte stood there and frowned.

"You know I don't like short hair. Why'd you make me cut it?"
"Because it was getting too long, goose. You know that."
"But it's too short, dad."
"Is not. It's just above your shoulders. I think it's the perfect length for you."
"I disagree."
"You're so silly," I chuckled, sliding a headband into her hair. "Hey, Charlie..."
"How would you feel about Carrie becoming your mum?"
"I'd like that," she said.
"Yeah? So if I, I don't know, asked her to marry me, you'd be okay with that?"
"Good to know..."


"Dad, you're not ready yet?" Charlotte asked me.
"For what, goose?"
"There's the daddy-daughter dance at school tonight... you said we could go..."
"Crap, you're right..."

I had a quick internal panic attack before collecting myself.

Okay, just call Carrie and tell her that you have to go out. She'll understand! She's cool as hell! Just move the thing to tomorrow.

"Dad?" Charlotte snapped me out of my thoughts.
"I'm gonna get ready now, okay?"
"Okay," she pouted.
"Why the frown, princess?"
"'Cause it seems like you kinda forgot about me..."
"No, of course I didn't," I lied. "Are you all dressed and ready to go?"
"Almost... can you please do my hair?"
"Of course, what do you want done with it? Braids?" She nodded. "Dutch or French?"
"Dutch, please."
"Okay, I'm going to go get dressed, then help you. Sound good?"

I rushed to my room and threw on a random suit. I quickly tied the tie Charlotte got me for Father's Day and ran to the bathroom. I threw her hair into the braids and kissed the top of her head.

"Such a pretty girl..."
"Thank you," she smiled. "Dad, your hairs still curly," she observed.
"Oh, yeah, I guess it is," I shrugged.
"Do you wanna fix it before we go?"
"No, I'm sure I'll survive," I chuckled. "C'mon, I'll race you to the lobby."
"You'll lose!" she laughed.

She ran out to the lounge and waited for me to leave so our race could begin. She ran down the stairs as I took a slow walk. I pulled out my phone and called Carrie.

"Hey, honey, what's up?"
"I totally forgot that Charlotte had a thing tonight and I sorta have to go to it. Is it okay if we reschedule date night?"
"Of course," she said. "I'm also working late tonight, so I'll see you whenever I get home."
"There's a good chance you might beat me home," I laughed. "I'll see you."
"Bye, love you."
"Love you too."


The dance that night was rather lovely. Charlotte and I got some alone time, which she really enjoys. I will admit, since Carrie moved in, I have been putting a lot of my attention into her, and Charlotte hasn't liked it one bit.

Once Charlotte beat me back up to the flat, Carrie let her in, and she ran off to her room. I let out a tired puff as I caught my breath and gave Carrie a quick kiss.

"Hey," she smiled.
"Hi," I mumbled. "Charlie, honey, get ready for bed."
"Okay!" she called.
"So how was the dance?" Carrie asked.
"It was fun," I grinned. "Yeah, Charlie had fun, and if she's having fun, then I'm happy."
"You look very handsome," she said.
"Thanks," I blushed. "Carrie..."

I closed the front door and flashed her a stupid smile.

"I have known you for the better part of a decade. You have been nothing but helpful and supportive with Charlie. I love you so much, and it would mean the world to me if you said yes..."

I got down on one knee and pulled a crummy ring out of my jacket pocket.

"Carrie... will you marry me?"

I waited in anticipation as I stared at her. She cracked a small smile as she sighed.

"What?" I whispered.
"Dan..." She tugged on my arm so I'd stand up. "I love you... I really do..."
"Then why won't you marry me? I-Is it Charlie? Is it the fact that I'm a dad?"
"No, honey, it's not."
"Then what's the issue?"
"You don't love me..." she said.
"What? Of course I do... I–"
"Dan, you're an amazing man, and I'm sure you care for me very much, but I'm just not the one you love..."
"Yes, you are!"
"But I'm not... Phil is..."
"I-I'm afraid I don't understand..."
"You don't need to... all I know is that you two are the ones that should be together... not us..."
"But I'm straight, Carrie. I love you."
"I'm not going to deny that you're straight, because I know it'll make you angry. All I'm trying to say is, put your pride aside... and take some time to accept the fact that I'm right..."

She placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

"I really hope you get him some day..."

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