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"What the hell are you wearing?" Phil asked.
"A kangaroo costume," I said.
"Cause it's Halloween..."
"Yeah, but don't you still need to go to school?"
"That's the cool thing! Everyone's allowed to dress up! My old school wasn't this chill."
"Yeah, but why are you a kangaroo of all things?"
"Cause I'm Kanga and Charlie's gonna be Roo."
"You can't bring your kid to school... besides, you're always calling her goose... why isn't she gonna be a goose?"
"Cause the stores aren't exactly stocked with goose costumes," I said. " I gotta go."
"What about your kid?"
"What about her?"
"Where is she? You kinda have to take her to daycare."
"She's sleeping..."
"I'm sorry! I didn't want to wake her..."
"So you're making me drop her off?" Phil scolded.
"Ugh," he groaned. "I'm gonna be late for work!"
"I'm sorry!" I yelled.
"You owe me. Get outta here."


"Hey, Ms. Pentland," I greeted.
"Hi, Daniel," she grinned. "I like your costume."
"Thanks; I like yours."
"Why, thank you," she giggled.
"Out of curiosity... what are you supposed to be?"
"Funny," she smirked. "I'm Smurfette."
"Cool," I nodded.
"So what brings you here? Is it lunch time?"
"Fabulous. Take a seat; I'm gonna go grab my lunch out of the lounge. Do you want anything while I'm in there?"
"A Diet Coke would be nice."
"Will do."

I sat in her office and pulled up my Spotify playlist on her computer. I set the volume at a relatively low level and pulled out my lunch. I packed last nights leftover Chinese food, a bag of  crisps, and a cup of apple sauce.

"That's an interesting food combination," Ms. Pentland teased as she handed me the can of soda.
"I kinda just grabbed the first couple things I saw in the fridge. Thanks, by the way."
"No problem. What are crisps doing in your fridge?"
"They were actually on the counter," I chuckled. "Can I shut the door?"
"Go ahead," she said. I closed the door and scooted towards her desk so I could enjoy my lunch. "Still no friends to eat with?"
"No," I shrugged. "Everyone sucks here."
"I get that," she giggled. "So how's Charlie?"
"She's good," I shrugged.
"Is she teething yet?"
"No, but she is starting to put random shit in her mouth."
"That's how it starts. Prepare for hell."
"When babies are teething, they're in a horrific amount of pain. Teeth are trying to pierce through their fragile little gums and it's too much pain for them. They're always crying, whining, and screaming 'cause they don't know how to deal with any of it."
"Fuck," I groaned.
"Yeah, it's not fun at all," she mumbled. "So what are your plans for tonight? Doing anything special with Charlotte?"
"Yeah, we're gonna visit my parents and maybe go trick or treating. Or, y'know, sit at home in our costumes; haven't really decided."
"What's Phil gonna do if you stay home?"
"Oh, it's gay Christmas," I said with a mouth full of food.
"Wait, what?" Ms. Pentland laughed.
"You've never heard of gay Christmas?" I giggled.
"Oh, well according to Phil, it's on Halloween and it's just a day for gay people to go out or something. I don't know, I was fading in and out of the conversation. Anyway, him and David are going out clubbing; should be gone all night."
"Well, alrighty then," she chuckled. "I'm having a Halloween party with some other mums in our group. You're more than welcome to join."
"Thanks, Ms. Pentland, I'll keep my that in mind."


"You look so fucking hot," Phil giggled in David's ear. Phil was running his hands up and down his toned boyfriends torso.
"Knock it off," I hollered from the lounge.
"What's your deal, Howell?" David snapped.
"My deal, David, is that I have a five month old infant with me. She's finally starting to comprehend shit and the last thing I need her seeing, and understanding, is you two going at it in the kitchen."
"Oh please," he scoffed. "She doesn't even know what her feet are."
"Hey, Charlie, do this." I stuck up my middle finger. She started pointing at David before I fixed her fingers. "Good job!" I teased.
"You just had your baby flip me the bird..."
"Damn right I did. Get out and have a goodnight. Please be safe and if you need a ride to get home, call me."
"Gee, thanks mum," Phil teased. "Night," he laughed.
"Night," I waved. "So, what do you wanna do tonight?"

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