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"Okay, I can forgive you for ditching my graduation party, but I don't know if I'll be able to if you miss Charlie's birthday," I said.
"I know, Dan, I-I'm sorry. I just can't make it..." Phil apologized.
"You were able to make it a week ago. What changed?"
"Wedding stuff came up."
"And you can't push it because..."
"Dan, I really want to be there. Trust me, I do, but–"
"Then why aren't you?" I yelled.
"Dan, knock it off," mum warned.
"Sorry," I mumbled. "Phil, Charlie is your goddaughter. For god's sake, get down here to celebrate her first birthday."
"She's gonna have more birthdays..."
"But she's only gonna have one first birthday... please..."
"I just... I can't. I'm sorry, I have to go."

End Call.

"Dick," I huffed.


"See? That's wasn't too bad of a phone call," David said.
"You're such an asshole," Phil whispered.
"No, I'm not," David insisted.
"I'm missing my godchild's first birthday because of you. You can go fuck yourself."
"I'd rather fuck you, dear," he smirked.
"Don't touch me," Phil spat.
"Why are you being so hostile towards me?"
"Because you fucking hit me!" he screamed.
"It was to knock ya back into reality. You were being so irrational and unfair to me. All of your focus was going to them instead of me. I promise darling, it was a one time thing."
"It better have been," Phil growled. "If you lay another hand on me in that manner again I will not hesitate to leave your sorry ass. Got that?"
"Yeah, baby, I do."


"Happy birthday, dear Charlotte. Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang.
"Blow, honey," I said.

Charlotte was sat in a spare high chair mum brought down from the attic. I forced a cheesy party hat on her head with a colorful 1 on top; the candle on her cake matched her silly hat. I kept doing a blowing face to show her what to do, but she was lost. I let out a chuckled and blew it out for her.

"Good job!" I laughed as I took the candle out. "Okay guys, there's cake in the kitchen. You're all more than welcome to have some."
"This is the lamest party I have ever been to," Chris teased.
"It's for a one year old, what did you expect?" PJ asked. "I think it's a cute little party."
"Thank you," I grinned. "Eat up, goose."

I pat her head and left her to eat the sugary goodness. I got a piece of cake with my friends and headed into the lounge. Normally I wouldn't mind socializing with family at parties, but the circumstances were a bit different. While all of them said nice things about Charlotte and I, I couldn't help but feel judged whenever anyone spoke.

"Oh, Daniel, she is just the cutest thing," my auntie said.
"Thank you," I mumbled.
"Where's the mother?"
"Not sure," I sighed.
"Is she baptized yet?"
"She's not getting baptized," I whispered.
"I'm sorry... she's not?"
"Nope." I shook my head.
"And why not?"
"I'm not gonna force a religion on her before she's too young to even choose."
"You and your stupid teenage righteousness."

She gave me a dirty glare as she walked away. My friends and I looked to each other and started laughing.

"Dan, are you seeing this?" Mum asked.
"Seeing what?"

I got up from the couch and made my way to the dining room. Charlotte was sat in her high chair, shoving cake in her face. I let out a laugh as I started recording her on my phone. After a minute or two, she had completely destroyed the cake.

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