First Love

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(Okay so I know I said this was over, but some poets came into my ap lit class to discuss some of their works and one of them inspired me to write this so... yeah. Enjoy I guess).

First Love

They said you never find true love when you're young.
They said I would never settle down.
They said all I would ever do for the rest of my life is screw.
For so long, I would take pride in the fact that they're right,
But they're wrong.

At seventeen, I found the one I would love for the rest of my life.
She was quite petite, had a little button nose, and the sweetest brown eyes I had ever seen in my life.
She showed up at my door, crashed my party, and unknowingly came bearing a gift.

She was wearing a lovely pink outfit, with a bow in her hair to match.
She seemed cranky and quite upset,
But I didn't mind.
It's part of the reason I fell in love with her.
I took her into my home, gave her a meal, made up a bed, and stared at her beauty in awe.

Time slowly, but surely, passed and she was always there for me.
Through all the rough times, and she never got upset with me.
She knew I was trying my hardest. Doing me best.
And she respected that.

When school was rough, I'd give her a hug, and she'd give a smile.
When work was hard, she'd insist on playing a game to distract me.
When life decided to take a shit on me, she'd say my name and all my worries seemed to disappear.

This is what true love is.
She is my soulmate.

It's not like when you read it in fairytales or stupid romance novels.
It's when you care for someone very much, and they reciprocate those feelings.
It's when you can talk with someone for hours on end and never seem to get bored.
It's when you get sad that you have to leave them and all you can think about until you return is them.

I had never loved someone like I had loved her.
I had never loved at all.
She was meant to be in my life.
She was destined to make me who I am.
Shape this mess of a man into a better person.
That was her purpose,
And she fulfilled it.

She's my everything, no matter how much my family dislikes her.
I love her,
And that's all that matters.

I love my goose.
My princess.
My honey.
My first love.
My everything.
My lovely Charlotte.

Love seemed so unexplainable, until I was in it.
Then I realized—
Love can't be spelled, or forced, or taught.
It's something you feel.
It simply just...

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