Buried Alive Part 2

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Ranna's POV 

Joey ran over to us and looked at a little note on the stone. we need to go 27 paces from this exact spot and find another tree? Joey and Eva went ahead while me and Oli looked around fro some more clues. 

"where would you bury a coffin?" Oli said looking around.

"im gonna take a wild guess and say in the ground" i said. Oli rolled his eyes and we laughed.

"guys we found something!" i heard joey shout. Oli and I rushed over there and saw an arrow and some string. apperently we have to roll out the string until it ends and then we find something? Eva started pulling the string and Tim spoke up.

"none of you guys are working with the spirit right?" he asked looking at all of us. we shook our head.

"okay good thats what i thought. i like trust y'all but i dint really trust that other group. i didn't like the way Justine handled the challenge" he said following Eva. i gave Oli' hand a squeeze before i dropped it and walked over to tim

"look i have known Justine for a long time and she's one of my best friends. she wouldn't kill someone" i said. i didn't really believe that but i just dont know who my allies are anymore. Just then the string ended and we started digging around for the next clue. i started digging and found a broken piece of something with a clue on it!

"guys i found it" i said happily. everyone rushed over to me and read the clue.

"we have to find the other piece by getting the string and making a cirlce around a state and then folding it in half and thats how far we can go" i said to everyone. they nodded at Evs grabbed the string and wrpped it around the statue. joey brought it out as far as i could go.

"this is how far we can go from the center guys so it has to be around here somewhere" Joey said dropping the string and looking at the trees. we all started looking. i was looking a this tree when whe i tripped on a root. i was bracing for impact when i felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and caught me before i fell. i opened my eyes to revel my British knight in shining moon light. I blushed.

"you really need to be more careful" he said looking concerned. i smirked as he brought me all the way back up. i stared into his eyes and saw the moon light reflection in them. his arms were still wrapped around my waist. we leaned and and...

"GUY WE FOUND IT" i heard joey scream. i looked at the ground and gave Oli a little kiss on the cheek before walking over to the other. i looked around where we were and saw him blushing holding his cheek. i giggled as he ran over. we looked at the piece Eva held in her hand. Tim had the other piece so Eva gave it to him. it took a while before he finally found where the connect and saw them light up. i looked over at the corner of my eye and saw the moon light shining on a spot on the ground.

"uh guys? is that?" i said pointing in that direction. we ran over and reached the spot. we called for marvin, the groundskeeper, to give us some shovels and he rushed over and handed me, joey and Oli shovels. We all starte digging until we heard foot steps from behind us. 

"guys we got the key!" we heard Lele yell. we turned around and saw them runnnig toawrds us. i was digging when i felt mt shovel hit something solid. i quickly went over top and brushed over the dirt to revel a chained up coffin with only one lock. 

"guys, i could use a little help here!" i said gaining everyones attention as i jumped off it and started pulling it from the ground. Tim, Lele, and Oli came over and helped pull it up and out of the hole. Lele grabbed the key and opened the lock. Justine looked away and backed away from the group. what is her probelm all of a sudden? i went over to her.

"hey are you alright?" i said as Joey followed me as he was concerned for his friend. 

" i dont like looking at things that are enclosed" she said looking away. me and joey gave her a hug and we all walked her over to the group. looking at an empty coffin lined with purple silk. i looked at it confused as matt picked up a letter. he stared reading.

"i can feel your presence near. to complete this ritual you need to have an unwiling soul be buried alive in my coffin. the group will take a vote but only one name will be drawn" he said. i saw Justine crying as me and joey went over to help her. I looked over at the Others talking. i saw Oli and i mouthed 'please dont vote for her'. he nodded and went back to talking about who will be burried alive in this coffin. this is freaking insane. we all came back to the center but i didnt leave justines side. we all voted for a person. i voted for matt and i dont know why. i really hope Justine does not get chosen. Arthur shuffled the cards as i held justines hand tightly. he stopeed and picked out a card. 

"Justine" he said. i could see the emotion in her eyes. Me and joey looked at everyone as i felt tears come to my eyes. 

"how could you guys do this to me?!" she said and dropeed my hand. 

"there is no way im going int that coffin!" she said running. i ran after her and jumped infront of her. Arthur pushed me to the side and i fell to the grounf screming Justines name. she was picked up and taken towards the grave. i tried to run after her but Oli grabbed my waist and held me back.

"NO OLI PLEASE LET ME SAVE HER" i screamed trying to break free from his grasp. 

"Guys this is insane" joey screamed as Justibe was being put inside the coffin. 

"JUSTINE NO PLEASE" i screamed and struggled against Oli's arms.

"RANNA PLEASE DONT LET THEM DO TH-" she said as the lid closed on the coffin and she was put in the ground. all you could hear were justines crys for help and my screaming. tim and Eva started putting dirt on the coffin as Oli turned me around and hugged me. i strugged at first and started punching his chest but then i just sobbed into his chest. he held me close when all sounds of justines cries stopped. 

"NO  WHY?!?" i screamed and dropped to the ground in a puddle of my own tears. Oli picked me up and started walking. i continued to cry and so did joey. he didn't cry as much as i did but we were both extremely upset. i saw sierra in the corner of my eye glare at me and Oli. I jumped out of his arms and walked over to her.

"What is your problem with me?" i said getting upset. she scoffed and went inside. 

"ranna what was that?" Oli asked me looking concerned. 

"every time we hug or you carry me she always glares at me. she is out to get me i swear" i said. Oli smirked and wrapped his arm around my waist and walked in together. i sat on the couch as i felt strong arms pick me up and put me on their lap. it was Oli. he sure knew a way to a girls heart. i snuggled into his chest still sniffling. i saw someone move out of the corner of my eye. i felt someone push me off Olis lap as i landed on the floor with a thump. and of course, i saw sierra trying to sit on Olis lap.

"what is wrong with you?" i said pushing her off Oli. he looked relieved. she stood up and looked me dead in the eyes. 

"He is mine!" she said. i got so mad i literally went over to Oli and sat on his lap again. he wrapped his arms around me protectively as sierra tried to push me off again. she wasn't very strong. i felt a pain across my cheek and looked up to sierra with a red face, i held me cheek as Oli picked me up and put me on the couch. 

"Oli?" i said looking at his holding my cheek. he walked over to sierra .

"I want to make my self clear here. i am not your and will never be. it is my decision if i choose you or ranna. you are not even half as beautiful as she is. so how about you leave her and I alone and accept the fact i will never date you" he said walked back over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close to him. i saw Eva out of the corner of my eye wink at me and i blushed crimson. i saw sierra standing there looking shocked. i was about as shocked as she was. she stomped away as everyone there looked shocked.

"just saying, that girl was out to get you from the start" glozell said all sassy. i laughed and so did Oli. we looked at each other and smiled happily. then my smile was replaced with a frown and more sniffles.

"come here" Oli said with open arms. i bascially jumped into his arms as everyone said 'awe'. i giggled and hugged Oli as tight as i could. i never want to let go.

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