Did Someone Call For An Exorcist? Part 1

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Ranna's POV

We reached the estate as we all gathered around the mantle and picked up all the artifacts. i was so relieved that this was finally gonna be over! i didn't want to see any more of my friends die here. we stand infront of a tiny table as Arthur slaps down 2 sheets of paper. 

"this is the ritual from shanes jacket" he said

"not again" sierra said groaning. I sighed and started rolling up the carpet with joey and Lele as matt moved the chairs out of the way. ill do what ever it takes to go back home. anything except lose OlI. what will we do after this is over? ill talk to him about it later. As we finished rolling up the carpet, arthur comes in with candles and a couple of things of ash and sand. we all sit on the floor gathering around the intrustions. 

"to complete the ritual, you must draw the lines out of ash and sand 7 feet on each side." Eva said reading it off. we start to make the circle with the ash and sand.

"three of the artifats will be placed on stools at the end of each triangle point and one will be placed at the inner center of the triangle." Eva said showing Tim the directions. i looked at Oli. 

"what are we gonna do when we go home?" i asked him. 

"i dont know. i mean we both live in different countries and we cant just move" He said looking at me. i perked up. 

"i can. i used to live in london and i think i still have my old flat key somewhere. i just kinda left there all of a sudden for...uh...reasons?" i said kinda nervous. i actually lived with my cousin geni back in kansas. the only reason im friends with some big youtuber was because i went to vidcon and met a bunch of them and we exchanged numbers and hung out. i havent seen some of them in so long. like uh tyler oakley!

"are you serious?" he asked getting excited. i nodded as he picked me up and spun me again with my head in the crook of his neck. 

"im so happy" i said. he put me down and we hugged for the 50th time. i swear all i have done in the estate is hug Oli and cry. the amount of times i have cried makes me feel like i could die from dehydration any second. we broke off and heard Eva start talking again. 

"one person must sit in the center and wrap the black cord around the artifact 7 times while someone recites the sacred words sealing the darkness in the house forever" She said. Me and Oli looked at each other. there was no way either of us would go in the center. not after i almost lost Oli twice. 

"Ranna should get in the center" Matt said looking at me. Oli shook his head and grabbed me around the waist.

"after whats shes been through i say no on her behalf. what about seirra? she barley done anything to help through out all of this" he said. i nodded and sierra sighed and sat down in the floor in front of the artifacts and candles. we all sat down in front of a candle as matt started reading out the words. the lights were shut off. 

"i bind your evil seven times for your crimes. i bind you from behind. i bind you from before so that you will hurt my people never more. i bind you from the past" Matt said as we heard a cracking noise from under artifacts stools as Oli grabbed my hand and rubbed my knuckles. 

"i bind you from the right" Matt continued as tims artifacts stool cracking out from under it as well. we all got extremely scared as we jumped backwards except for matt the house shook as i scooted a bit closer to Oli. i looked at him and he gave me a scared smile. i returned it as he kept holding my hand. 

"i bind you from above" Matt said a the one in front of me and Oli cracked and i screamed as Oli put my head in his chest still hold my hand. he had is other hand covering my face and my ear so i couldn't hear anymore. i didnt want to anyway so i let the silence fill my ears but i could still feel the shakes. every time i felt the house shake Oli would squeeze my hand and continued to plug my ear. i looked up at him with my big eyes. he looked down at me with his beautiful chocolate brown eyes that i got lost in today. he gave me a kiss in the forehead as the ground continued to shake. i hid my face in Oli chest again as i hated earth quakes or a shaky structure. 

"hey im right here its okay" Oli said petting my head and squeezed my hand. i looked around to see some sort of black smoke fill the air as i looked at Oli again. he had is eyes squeezed shut and so i joined him. we suddenly felt all the movement stop. i opened my eyes to see that nothing had changed.

"did we do it?" Joey asked looking around as we heard an evil laugh. we all screamed as Oli grabbed my waist tighter than ever. we all looked behind joey 

"what was that?" Oli asked looking around frantically. his loose on me loosened as i sat up to face him. he looked so scared so i rubbed his knuckles. the laughing slowly continued but faded away. 

"guys i dont think it worked" Joey said sadly. 

"that sounded like the devil" Eva said.

"did we read the map right?" Matt asked.

"yes!" joey said.

"you know how much time we wasted on finding these stupid artifacts!" matt exclaimed. 

"okay well what if theres something in here that were missing?" Tim said trying to make logic of the situation

"yeah lets look for it" joey said flatly standing up. i stood up and helped Oli to his feet. when we stood i gave him a giant bear hug.

"woah whats this for not that im complaining" he asked putting his arms around me. 

"for helping me again. thank you so much" i said. he laughed. 

"always" he said as we broke apart and started looking for more clues. everyone was pissed except for me and Oli. we were just upset on the inside. we see Joey and tim by the fire place as they pull out a black box.

"we found something" joey said as we all rushed over and i drop Olis hand. Joey opens it and we find our next clue.

"oh my gosh theres a key!" Eva said looking at it. Joey started reading the note as we all sat on the couch. 

" i cast out evil spirits and have seen the devil himself but nothing could compare to what i found here. this is truly the house that evil built as it haunts me every moment and as the days pass i see more innocent lives devoured in its terrible mouth. i am trapped in the back basement" Joey said as we all gasp. 

"why the basement. i remember what happened there last time and i am not reliving it again" i said getting off the couch

"i think we should go to the basement" joey said closing the box and putting it somewhere.

"well then lets go" Eva said clapping her hands. i see Oli walked toward me and grip my hand in his. he gave me a sad smile as we followed everyone to the basement. 

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