Freak Show Part 1

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Ranna's POV

We placed the 3rd artifact on the mantle as we glanced back to Glozell's body. i sighed and leaned my head on Oli's shoulder. he put an arm around my waist,

"its okay, we had no other choice" he whispered in my ear. he gave me a kiss me on the head and pulled me close. we had walked over to the couch area when we suddenly heard a deep growl and we shrieked as Oli jumped into my arms. he was quite heavy but im actually very strong. he wrapped is arms around my neck as i cradled him like a baby. Everyone burst out laughing as i gently set Oli on a chair. as i set him down he pulled my arm and i fell into his lap with a squeak. He held onto my waist very tightly as i played with his hair

"is sounded like an animal" Sierra said said walking over to the chairs. 

"guys something is coming for us" Matt said sitting on the couch. i continued to play with Oli's hair. 

"or someone" lele said as everyone sat down.

"who would make that noise? it has to be an animal" sierra said walking back and forth. 

"i think whoever is after us hate girls cause so far 3 girls have died in a row!" sierra said. she did make a point. 

"dont forget Shane died and he's a guy" Oli said as i agreed with him. 

"i'm just saying us girls should stick together" Sierra said as Eva joined her side.

"can i join that since im like gay?" Joey said raising his hand. sierra but her lip to keep herself from laughing.

"im just saying we need to all stick together if we want to make it out of this alive" Oli said and we all nodded.

"hey what was that note you got?" i asked Oli. He perked up and grabbed a note from his pocket. he opened it.

"It's a carnival ticket for 50 cents" he said as i looked at it. it was old and crusty paper that had a kinda yellowish tint to it

"turn it around" i said. he turned it around to revel more words.

"round and around we go" he said as he gave the note to joey on his right. 

"so like a merry go round?" Tim said as we all got up and started looking for things that go around and around. i went over to Matt and the old phone.

"wait guys i found something" joey said. we all walked over and met him by a lamp. he held up a card.

"follow your nose to the show" Joey said as started sniffing around. i suddenly smell oranges

"guys it smells like oranges" i said sniffing the air.

"oh god it does" Joey said also sniffing the air. we all started walking around the house smelling different object.

"guys they'res like 15 or 20 orange trees outside!" Oli said but we just kept sniffing. i walked into a room with sierra and Matt.

"yeah it smells really bad in here but defiantly not like oranges" she said walking out as we followed her. we went into a room with a scale and a ladder. 

"are you sure we have to find it inside?" Oli asked walking into the room. 

"i smell it a lot here" i said as everyone else nodded. 

"oranges are like known in Florida so maybe if we look at Florida?" joey said trying to find it on a globe.

"orange chicken? look at china!" Tim says to them as i roll my eyes. 

"guys it smells really like oranges right now"Oli said looking through a book case. i nodded as joey got on the ladder and started climbing up it.

"the smells right here or intense- oh my god its a box!" joey said pointing under the scale. i lifted the scale off and tried to reach the box but was too short. i was jumping trying to get it when i felt arms grab me around the waist and push me up to grab the box. I grabbed it and was brought back down. i turned around to see Oli chuckling. 

"shut up. im just fun sized!" i said brushing past him, taking the box with me. we all walked in to the main room and box the box on the ground. there was a little slot at the top with shanes symbol on the corner.

"What if its like a ticket drop box?" i say turning it to its side.

"yeah put your ticket in there!" Tim said to Oli. Oli slid the ticket in the box as it opened suddenly. i screamed and fell to the ground. there were to clown masks. i freaking hate clowns more than mannequins so this is gonna be fun! 

"Now you see me now you don't. time is not forever. your time is only one sixth of a hour and nothing more" Lele said reading out the card in the box. i looked so confused and looked at the masks. the were all scrunched up and the red nose just gave me really bad memories. suddenly Arthur walks in the room carrying something.

"i believe you have left this" he said giving Eva something.

"what's this?" she said taking it in her hands.

"Oh no" Oli said looking at the box. 

"the guardian is awake. he lives in the asunder forest. there is a melody that is played when horses go in circles and this is will summon the ring leader whose whip can tame the guardian. the key to unlocking the melody begins in the river that flows to the sky and back down the the estate ground." Oli said. Guardian? this is just getting weirder and weirder. 

"so whats that?" i asked Eva looking at a note in her hands, 

"the people who wear the masks will be invisible to the guardian. to trade off the masks, you must meet in the exchange zone and distract the guardian. there is a line where the guardian can not cross. make it there and you're safe. get touched by the guardian and you die" she said as our eyes widen. 

"who do we choose to get the masks first?" I asked and look at everyone. 

"the fastest people with out shoes and i mean the girls are wearing heels so" Matt said. 

"there" i said ripping off my high heels and throwing them in the corner. everyone looked at me.

"what? there is no way im running in heels" i said crossing my arms and standing up. Arthur walked up to us and handed us some flashlight, 

"the guardian is on his way as we speak so-" he was cut off by a roar and something banging the window coming from behind us. everyone shrieked and looked around to see the guardian. he had light red skin and horns popping out everywhere. i saw matt freak out and fall with the couch. everyone so scared so i took into action

"OLI COME ON" i screamed taking his hand and running out the door as fast as i possible could with Oli trailing behind me we caught up to each other and saw two sides of the grass but the guardian following us. we sprinted as fast as possible and i felt behind a bit. i saw the guardian only a few feet behind me and the grass only a few feet as well. i quickly dived into the zone like a footballer and landed in the dirt. i sat up and rubbed my arm.

"Ow my arm!" i said rubbing it still. i saw Oli walk over and take a look at it.

"you just pulled a muscle. it should be fine it about an hour" he said crouching down to my level on the ground. we heard the guardian roar behind us and i screamed as Oli took me into his chest. i was shaking because i hated that sound ever since i was a kid i hated it. 

"hey. its okay im right here ranna im here" he said as i hid my face into his chest and covered my ears. i felt so bad that i was always the one who needed to be taken care of. i nodded and i eventually calmed down. we just sat there in silence when i heard running foot steps come toward us but i didn't move and neither did Oli. 

"Aw you guys are so cute" I heard Eva say. i blushed and hid my face in his chest so no one would see me blush. I couldn't be more scared or happy.

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