Did Someone Call For An Exorcist? Part 2

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Ranna's POV 

Oli and I exchanged a scared look when we started following everyone to the basement. 

"why do you think there's someone in the basement" Oli asked. i shrugged and continued walking with the group. we started walking down the stairs as i kept getting flash backs from andreas death. i start breathing quickly as were walking. Andreas hand against the window burned into my brain. Oli was in front of me when he turned around. i couldnt look him in the eyes so i stared at the stairs below our feet.

"hey are you okay?" He asked putting his hand on my shoulder. i nodded quickly and didnt face him. 

"look at me" he said bringing my chin up to his level. i looked into his chocolate brown eyes and lost it. 

"no" i whispered and looked him straight in the eyes. he gave me a sad smile and walked next to me with his arm slung around my shoulder. i leaned my head on his shoulder as he put his head on top of mine. 

"was this where you had to go when andrea died" he asked looking over at me. i nodded and he sighed. 

"im really sorry you had to go through that" he said sincerally. 

"i just sometimes wish it was me insted of andrea" i said quietly. he looked over at me in shock. 

"no please dont say that. i wouldn't have been able to live with myself and vote myself in every time because you were not there with me" he said. 

"you really mean that?" i asked looking up at him finally. he nodded.

"i mean that from the bottom of my heart" he said looking straight into my eyes. he took my hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. i smiled very wide as we continued walking down the stairs. we got to the bottom as arthur pointed at a door for us to go in. Eva was the first to enter it as we all crowded in the small dimly lit room.

"No dont come any closer!" we heard someone say. we saw a man with a beard and holding a bible in his hands tightly. 

"hey guys that looks like what we just tried to do" Joey said pointing at the ground under the man. 

"what happened?" the man asked. 

"we were trying to bind the evil so we can get home" Matt spoke up from the back.

"were you able to accomplish anything?" the man asked. 

"well the devil laughed at us" I said still holding onto Oli hand and i gave it a squeeze. 

"listen. the evil in this house gathers its strength from its 5 former owners. if you release them then the demon will be weak enough to banish" he said

"thats why it didnt work" Joey said quietly. first we had to collect 4 artifacts and kill 3 of our friends and now we have to find the previous owners and release them? this is so confusing

"i am one of the five former owners trapped in this house but i have lost my faith and i failed to exorcise a demon in a girl and because of that she died!" he said his voice getting louder. Oli squeezed my hand as he saw me fidgeting in nervousness. he gave me a reassuring smile and i returned it. 

" and i need your help .i just need my cross so i can restore my faith and be released. i am trapped in this circle of protection until my faith is restored. to retrieve my cross you must preform an exorcism" he said. i looked at Oli wide eyed as i squeezed his hand. he returned the look and released my hand to wrap it around my waist and pull me closer. everyone else was saying 'no' but me and Oli stayed silent. i put my head in my hands. Oli takes my hand and puts it on his shoulder. i was done with this sick game! i thought that they were not real. only a thing in movies but i guess they happen in here. 

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