Wicked Hallucinations Part 2

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Ranna's POV

As we each passed through the barrier into this dudes hallucinations i felt really weird. I just passed it off and continued walking with the group. We hurried outside in a fast manner. I got was so done with these shoes to be honest. Next chance i get im throwing them in the trash. 

"you know as much as i want all of us to be alive i still think of of us is working with the evil" Joey said in front of the group. That really made me question things. We reach the green house as Lele takes out the map. 

"what do you think is in there" I asked looking at it scared but with bravery. 

"i dont know but nothing good can come from this" Eva said going in front of Lele and joey while me and Oli joined her. We slowly all make it up to the door. 

"you ready?" Joey asked as we all nodded scared. He slowly grabbed where the door knob would be and pulled it open to revel a normal looking green house. I slowly walking in front and walked inside. 

"something is wrong" I said looking around me. I got a gut feeling that something was gonna go wrong here. The rest of them walked in and started scanning the plants. 

"but theres nothing in here" Eva said as Lele was still clung to joey. I walked over to Oli and put my head on his shoulder. 

"you okay?" He asked looking at me worried. I nodded. 

"yeah im just a bit sad i guess." I said looking at the ground. He slung an arm around my shoulders and rubbed my arm comfortingly. I gave him a sad smile and he returned it. 

"I'm here if you need to talk okay?" He said looking me straight in the eyes. I nodded and gave him a quick peck on the lips. We smiled at each other. We took each others hand and walked over to joey with a clip board in his hands. He was reading off different kinds of plants. 

"Aloe vera, Oh its just like explaining the different plants" He said skiming through the pages. I got a gut feeling that something was coming. I brushed it off and kept my hand in Olis. 

"Look for a clue or something" He said as we all split off except for me and Oli. We looked through the different plants. I got another bad gut feeling all of a sudden and gripped Oli's hand tight. He looked at me worried. He was about to ask me something when we heard joey yell. 

"Holy crap Its a FREAKING SKULL" Hr screached at the end while dropping a skull on the ground. I screamed and jumped backwords. I got another really bad gut feeling that something is coming. 

"I found something"Oli said holding up a book. My gut got tense

"I have a really bad feeling about thi-" I was cut off my a noise behind me. I sounded like a Zombie! We all screamed and i turned around to see a zombie had broken through a part of the green house and was trying to grab me. Oli quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me toward him so i fell into his chest scared. I couldnt look at it. 

"What the flipping hell!" Oli said holding me tight. 

"Is that a zombie?!" Lele screamed and clung to joey again. I nodded and kept my face in Oli's chest. I started breathing really heavy. I noticed and held me closer while i forced my eyes closed. He kissed my forehead and i calmed down. Man he is good. 

"quick read it!"I heard joey say. Oli had his arms wrapped around me and pulled out the book while doing so. Oli Was freaking out. He was breathing really fast and was also trying to calm himself down. I snuggled into his chest and he calmed down enough for him to start reading the book.

"Alright listen. I believe there is a way to mold flash and plants to create an entire new species. Swamp man. I made a mistake with my first try and created an abomination which i must soon destroy before it destroys me. I made a new system to where the flash can merge with the roots of the plants." Oli finished reading and put the book down. The zombie was still out there but had gone some where else. Oli took his arms off of me and grabbed the two sides of my face gently. He looked straight into my eyes which made we feel weak at the knees. 

"Are you going to be okay" He asked looking at me concerned. I nodded. He brought his face down and kissed me. I felt the shocks go down my lips and butterflies erupt into my stomach. We pulled away and looked into each others eyes. He gave me a giant bear hug and i returned it. 

"I love you Ranna" He said tight around me.

"I love you too Oli" I said snugging into his chest. We broke off and went in separate directions and looked for body parts. We took some shovels and started trying to find the plants the Joey lists off.

"Found vermalious!" Eva shouted over at one plant. She dug through it and screamed. 

"We got a hand!" They screamed. The dropped it on the ground so we decided to make a pile there. 

"Lets put the pieces together" Joey said as we rolled the skull over to the little pile. We were looking through all these plants for body parts. This was a whole new kind of gross. It was so gross cause we had to touch them but i wasn't really bothered by it. Joey was but i wasn't. I started digging near a put that Oli was next to digging beside so i decided to dig in that one. I started digging when i hit something in the dirt. I pulled it out and screamed. 

"I have got a hand!" I said loudly. 

"You have got a hand!" Oli said mocking me causing me to laugh. I rolled my eyes and threw the hand into the pile. We heard the zombie again while i started digging in a pot toward the wall. 

"He's getting angry" Oli said before i looked up and saw the zombie had burst through the little covering above me. I screamed as Oli ran over and pulled me to him and he grabbed the pot. I started having a panic attack. 

"Hey hey its okay Ranna im right here" Oli said bringing me into his arms while he motioned for joey to dig through the pot i had found. The zombie made his noise and i jumped. I was so scared. I felt the panic attack coming on and started shaking. Oli pulled me into his lap while on the ground and put my head in his chest with him rocking me. 

"Its okay you're okay im right here Ranna. I'm not gonna let it hurt you" He said in a calm voice. I started to calm down but we didn't move. The team had found the rest of the bones and such and i eventually stood up. Oli grabbed my hand as we walked over to help the team throw the bones into a pile of grass and dirt. I saw a vase had been smashed on the floor.

"Uh what happened?" I said pointing to it. Joey looked at it and blushed. 

"Uh nothing!" He said as we each picked up a bone from the pile and threw it in. We got all of it in and covered up. There was this green light emerging from it as i started backing up with Oli gripping my hand tight. Suddenly a giant swamp man emerged from the thing ans started walking toward us. We screamed and ran out of there as fast as possible. My heels were killing my feet as we ran but that didn't stop me from escaping. We got as far away from it as we could. Oli gripped my waist as i put an arm around his torso. I clenched my eyes shut.

"Ranna look!" Oli said as i opened my eyes to see the swamp man pick up the zombie. 

"He's helping us!" Eva screamed pointing at it. He threw the zombie. 

"WWE John cena!" Oli screamed while the zombie was getting beat to hell and back. I laughed and started making a trumpet noise that sounded like the John cena meme song. He laughed at me and watched as the zombie got carried away by the swamp man. He dissapeared and we walked over to the green house to see if anything had changed. 

"Guys look!" I screamed and kneeled down to look at the box. Everyone crowded around me. I started digging it up and pulled it out of the ground. I opened it. 

"Yes! Its the key! Great job Love" He said coming to my side and wrapping his arm around my waist. I blushed and handed Joey the key. 

"what do we do now" Eva said looking around. 

"We go to the second location which is..uh" Joey said and was patting  his pockets for the map. Oli had a wide eyes look on his face and he removed his arm around my waist. 

"We forgot the flipping map!" He screamed and ran back to the green house and ran inside. I face palmed when he came running out. He tripped and fell to the ground but i came over and helped him up. He looked at me grateful but i tried not to laugh. He ran back to the group and we studied where we need to go next. 

"Its that circle looking thing in the forest!" I said pointing at it on the map. They all nodded as we ran again but with Oli's hand in mine. My trench coat was flapping in the wind and i made me feel like the doctor. It felt amazing. 

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