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If you don't like what I put in this but please delete it. Y'all fail to realize that most of this shit happens in real life. Im NoT rEaDiNg AnYmOrE bEcAuSe ChRiS dIeD. People die everyday, b. AND I didn't ask you to read it. Thanks to those who did stick around too this point❤️

Karin Mendez

"Hell nah." I spit in the toilet before coughing and flushing.

"This ain't no regular cold." Ron said helping me up and putting my hair in a pony tail.

"I never said I had a cold. I think it's food poison." I spit out the toothpaste and rinsed my mouth with mouthwash.

"Food poisoning don't last this long Karin, let's be real." I rolled my eyes and faced him.

"Okay whatever it is I'm fine. I'll take some medicine, eat some soup and hopefully it goes away." I kissed his cheek before patting his chest.

"How about you just go to the doctor instead of trying to doctor yourself. You could have Ebola talking about its food poisoning." He said following me out the bathroom.

"Because nothing is wrong with me. I'm sure it's nothing major, Ronald." I whined throwing my arms around his neck.

"You got a piece of throw up on your top lip and you're all in my face." He pushed me back and I gasped embarrassed.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry." I said before covering my lip trying to run to the bathroom.

"I'm playing baby chill out." I sighed, "I love you." He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

My chest ached as I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. I took in his scent which was his favorite cologne that I liked.

My weakness.

"I love you more." I responded as he picked me up while carrying me downstairs.

"We're not about to do this. My daughter is almost out of school." I stopped him by holding onto the door seal.

"Girl I was taking you downstairs so you could get your daughter. That's all your horny ass thinks about." He pinched me and I mumbled an oh.

"My bad." A chuckle left my lips.

Once we got downstairs I sat on the couch putting on my shoes. I finally got my left shoe on before the TV caught my attention.

"So what do you think about this Chad Jones situation?" Wendy Williams asked the audience sipping out of her cup.

"I honestly don't know what to say because I'm shocked. I've watched this young man play and he looks like he has potential." She shook her head.

The crowd looked confused and she sat her cup down sitting up.

"What did he do?" She restated their question. "Well apparently TMZ stated that him and his alleged girlfriend he was engaged to had an argument. He got so angry and rammed her head in the wall."

The crowd gasped and I sighed.

"That's not the only bad part. She's 8 months pregnant with his child." The crowd reacted even badly.

"This lady is so messy." I rolled my eyes.

"She called the cops and got him arrested which I applaud her for. She's pregnant with his child and he could've killed the both of them. Lord I hope she left him because he just showed he's a dangerous man. It's a shame because I liked him." Wendy sighed.

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