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Karin Mendez

It turns out that Justice and I are both suspended from school for a week but I expected that. I'm not mad over the suspension but I'm so pressed over the fact that I got kicked off the dance team all because of bull shit ass lies Tatiyanna told.

They called me to the office but I rejected and since Christian couldn't leave the school Justin came and picked me up. So once I was gone Tatiyanna sat in front of the school staff and told them that I was sending her death threats and she was defending herself.

Long story short Coach Allen kicked me off the team because she didn't tolerate bullying. Not only was I mad but my dad was furious. But he shook it off and realized that I was gonna be on top whether they liked it or not.

My dad was petty.

For fighting the only punishment I got was staying in the house and not touching the car until I went back to school. That was fine with me because I didn't have friends nor anywhere to go. But it was self defense for myself. She hit me and talked about my mother. I'm tired of this shit.

It was Tuesday and everybody was at school or someone else. It was just me and Cassie in this big ass house.

I played with the ring on my finger while I laid on the couch sideways. Wendy Williams messy ass was on TV talking about everybody like her ass was perfect. She makes me sick son.

I changed it to the sports center since the boys had me engaged in sports now. I mainly watched football because of Odell Beckham Jr fine ass, and basketball because of Ben Simmons.

"Why this nigga so fine?" I mumbled to myself watching Ben run up and down the court for practice.

My mind immediately shot towards Chad. The thought of him made my stomach turn because of the way I was feeling about him. If it wasn't for his busted ass ex I would've been at school right now.

"Karin!" I heard someone yell from upstairs making me lift my head up then fall back down.

Either I was tripping or Cassie was calling me. We don't even say two words too each other.

"Come here please!" She yelled again.

I sighed out before getting off the sofa and marching upstairs. If she was gonna fuss at me for shit that has nothing to do with her, she might as well save it. I ain't scared to knock another bitch out.

I walked up in their room and saw her laying on her back taking selfies. I scrunched up my face but it softened when I realized how pretty she was. Her face was free of makeup and her hair was messy but she looked good.

 Her face was free of makeup and her hair was messy but she looked good

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