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Brad: you're still in the car, right?

Brad: hello??

Me: yes I'm in the car, Brad

Brad: we'll be there in a second I promise

Me: if you forgot my twinkies I'll be so mad

Brad: i didnt forget your twinkies, don't you worry

Me: good. now hurry up, im boiling in here

Brad: open a door

Brad: lol wait nevermind I locked them so you can't leave

With another sigh I put my phone on the chair and lean back. Brad was obviously stalling and trying to make me bored to hell and want to go home, but I'm smarter than that.

We were currently at Walmart, getting some food for lunch, since Brad said he didn't want to starve us all. I made a comment like, "since when did you care?" but he just huffed and Tristan gave him a look that obviously meant something in boy code that annoyed Brad, since Brad slapped Tristan on the arm a moment later.

Brad got the boys out of the car and locked the car shut before I had even took off my seat-belt, which was rather infuriating.

So here I am, stuck in the car with nothing to do except message Brad. I'd tried ringing Blake before, but he didn't pick up and I remembered he's in class still.

There's a knock on the car window and I shoot up, alarmed, only to see James waving through the window. I wave back before Brad unlocks the car and everyone climbs in.

"I got your twinkies," Brad hands them to me automatically and I grin. "I hope you don't mind giving me one?"

"Of course!"


"No." I say and rip open the box, taking one of the marvellous creations out and taking a bite out of it.

Amazing, dreamy, delicious–

"I did buy them, the least you could do is give me one," Brad tries to reason but I scoff.

"You literally left me trapped in this goddam car for twenty minutes!" I retort and he sighs, pulling out of the parking space and is soon en route to wherever we were going. "Where are we meeting this guy? You said you're going to fight, right? You're gonna be like pew pew pew and he's going be like ahhh I'm dying–"

"Like the wicked witch of the west?" Tristan asks, munching on a banana.

"Exactly like the wicked witch of the west!!" I exclaim and Brad chuckles, shaking his head amusedly.

"We're going to the wreck." Brad answers my question. "And yes; we're going to fight."

"That sounds so lame when you say that." James snorts and Brad rolls his eyes.

"The wreck? What's the wreck? Am I missing out important details or?" I ask, confused.

"You know the wreck, right?" Connor says through a mouthful of chips. "You know: the abandoned landscape that no one really goes to unless they're setting off fireworks or smoking weed or something."

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