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"Touch me one more time, and I'll kick your balls," I threaten Brad as he slowly edged himself closer to me. "I mean it, Simpson, move away."

"Yeah, yeah, alright," He puts his hands up in surrender and edges an inch or so away from me, purposely moving as little as possible to annoy me but I chose to annoy it.

Instead, I look out of the window, which I had to lean over Brad to see since he sat in the middle seat, in between me and Nat. He chose not to comment on my hypocrisy as I lean back against my seat.

"How long are we gonna be?" I yawn, since it was two in the morning and I was dragged out of bed an hour ago.

"Not long—ten minutes maybe?" Anne says since Derek was fully concentrated on the road ahead as he gripped the steering wheel.

I slump back into my seat again, irritated, tired and uncomfortable. Brad chuckles at my discomfort and closes his eyes for a small nap. How is he so comfortable in such a cramped space?!

"You know if there was a sudden zombie apocalypse, what would you do?" I ask, trying to spark up some conversation between us all.

"I'd get bitten by a zombie—get it over with, you know?" Nat says and Anne agrees.

"I'd take us to Asda," he says, opening his eyes as he looks down at me.

"What, for shopping?" I chuckle and he shakes his head.

"No, to hide out there," he says and continues before I have chance for a snarky remark. "Think about it—it has clothes, food, drink and even a television."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I agree, annoyed at myself for saying he did something—said something—that's remotely mature and relatable. We fall into another silence and I see planes coming from the ground, and I grin. "Are we there?"

"No," Brad says sarcastically. "We're in the car, pulling up to an airport because we're lost."

"Oh," I say, sighing and looking back out of the window.

"I'm kidding, of course we're here."

Brad's hands touch my waist, causing me to nearly drop the water bottle that's in my hand.

"Hey," he grins, his hair falling onto my face as he leans over my shoulder. "What're you doing?"

I hold up my water bottle that I'm holding, "drinking." He rolls his eyes and stands next to me as we wait in the line to board the plane.

"I can see that," he says and I smirk at him, moving forward as passengers begin to board. "Are you excited to get to Hawaii?"

"Yeah, I'm looking kinda pale," I laugh as I put my water bottle in the bin quickly before handing my passport and whatnot to the person behind the desk and getting told I can board. I wait for Brad to do the same and he puts his arm over my shoulder as we walk into the tube that takes us into the plane, our hand luggage behind us.

"We're sat in the middle of the plane," Brad says as we get on, already filled with multiple people. "My mum and dad and sister are sat in front of us."

I nod, squeezing through the small path leading to our seats which Brad had pointed out. Kindly, he offered to put our hand luggage into the compartments and hands me my phone.

I squeeze in next to the window and Brad is sat next to me, buckling himself in. I look down at my seatbelt and then back up at Brad. Don't ask him for help, he'll use it against you.

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