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Someone taps my shoulder and I snap around, turning to face a confused Bradley. My shoulders fall in relief and I let out a small breath too. I thought it was Jace, which is ridiculous since he doesn't even go here. Ever since the job trial—it was three days ago—I've been shit-scared and I think Brad is going to start noticing.

"Hey," I smile and move to the side so he can stand next to me in the dinner queue. "What's up?"

"Nothing, really," he shrugs and I step forward and as does he. "I saw you queueing alone so I thought I'd keep you company."

I grab a cookie from the stand and wait to be served. "Aren't you getting anything?"

"Nah, I'm not hungry," he shrugs and I nod. "So, anything been bothering you lately?"

"Hm? What? No," I say quickly, taking another step forward and readjusting my bag on my shoulder. I haven't told him about Jace and I's talk at the job trial because he'll probably go ape shit on me for saying what I said.

"Are you sure? I mean, I'm always here to talk if there's anything wrong," he reassures me and I just nod, paying for my food finally. "Fancy joining us for lunch?"

"As long as Blake can come," I smile and Brad says he can before disappearing and sitting down with his friends in which Blake and I join soon after.

"Hey," Luisa smiles at me and I give her a small smile back, putting my food on the table and bag on the floor.

Before I can reply, Tristan, who was listening to Brad quietly, bursts out laughing and I raise an eyebrow at Brad, but he just shrugs and turns away.

"What are you doing after school?" Luisa asks and I shrug.

"Not much really. Uh, eating?"

"Eating?" Luisa laughs. "Is that it?"

"Yeah, I'm not one to go out every night," I reply and she shakes her head.

"I can vouch for that," Brad inputs with a smirk and I glare at him.

"Well how about you and your friend join us all tonight? We're going to the skate park after school," Luisa offers and I look at Blake, who nods.

"Uh, sure," I agree and Luisa gives me a smile in return.

"I'll take you," Brad says. "You know, since I'm already going. And we can pick your friend up."

"My name's Blake, not 'Your Friend'."

"I know," Brad gives Blake a sarcastic smile before turning back to me. "So, is that a plan?"


I look at the time and it's 4:58 and Brad was gonna swing by after he left from his detention to pick me up in three minutes.

Quickly, I jump off the bed and shove on some socks and my shoes. Ping. That's probably Brad. I chuck on my jacket and brush through my hair. Ping, ping, ping. I groan, putting my hair up. Ping, ping.

Picking up my phone, I look at my unread messages which are all off of Brad.

Brad: I'm here, hurry up

Brad: Tas

Brad: Are you ready

Brad: ???

Brad: you're not ready are you?

Brad: I'm coming up

Before I have chance to reply, Brad swings open my bedroom door and my head shoots up from my phone.

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