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"Does it feel strange waking up and not being in my house?" Brad asks, his arm over my shoulder as we walk into school, earning strange looks from our peers. We had somehow arrived at school at the same time and the first thing he did was put his arm over me, making my stomach flutter unwillingly.

"Actually, yeah," I admit. It had only been just over a couple of months of living with Brad but it felt like an eternity, so moving back in with my parents was, indeed, strange. "I miss waking up and not having to make breakfast for myself."

Brad smirks as we reach my locker, causing me to open it and empty out my bag and then put in the necessary books I needed.

"So there's this Easter thing next week I think, ," Brad says as I close my locker and I raise an eyebrow. "Yeah, and, uh—"

"There you both are!" Blake smiles, walking down the corridor towards us, making me hold back an annoyed sigh since Brad didn't get to tell me what he wanted say. "It feels like forever since I've seen you both—how are you? Are you together yet? Everyone's waiting on it, you know?"

"Nice to see you too, Blake," I roll my eyes, trying to hide the blush attempting to creep onto my face.

"Hey," Brad coughs awkwardly and stands up properly. "I'm gonna go to class. See you guys later."

"Bye?" I reply, confused. Instead of over-thinking it, I join Blake down the hall, the opposite way Brad went, and we go to class together.

It was first period maths, my least favourite lesson of the day, so I end up doodling on some paper for the most of the lesson until it's over, and I have to leave for Chemistry.

Sadly, Blake was in a different class which means I have to suffer a long walk to the other side of the school—by myself.

I end up nearly tripping over my own two feet as I try to get to class as quickly as I can, despite the fact I hate chemistry. However, I did sit next to Brad this lesson so hopefully I could ask him what he was going to say earlier.

I spot Brad, in his usual seat next to me, and walk over with a smile on my face. I sit on the stool and pull out my chemistry book.

Before either of us can speak, the teacher stands up and begins the lesson, "class, today you're going to do some last minute revision for a pop test that's tomorrow."

A boy, I think his name was George, raises his hand with a confused face, "It's not a pop test if you tell us there is one. . ."

"You know what, Johny—"

"It's George, Miss."

"Be quiet, Johny!" She hushes him. "Or you'll be doing a pop test every lesson whilst we do fun experiments."

He puts his head down, mumbling something about how chemistry was never fun, and I flip through my book, laughing under my breath.

"Hey," Brad says and I look up from my book, giving him a smile before looking back down. "I kind of forgot my book—mind if we share?"

"I'm surprised you're bothered about revision," I raise an eyebrow but put the book in between us nonetheless. "Just tell me when you've done the answers and we can do something else."

"Actually," he says, putting his pencil down and crossing his arms and putting them over the table to lean on. "I was going to ask about the—"

"Bob! Tasmin! Shut up and revise," the teacher says, looking at us and I bite my lip to suppress a laugh.

"It's Brad, Miss," Brad says through gritted teeth, annoyed. "I'd appreciate if you would learn my name."

"Are you sass—"

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