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"I can't do it," Brad sighs for the eighth time. Through the mirror, I see him undoing the knot he made in his tie as I put my earrings in. I was currently sat in a towel as I did my hair to get ready for Brad's family's wedding.

"Try again, and if you've still not done after I'm in my dress, I'll do it for you," I say. Nat had already gotten ready and was meant to get to the wedding early as she was a bridesmaid. We had five minutes to get changed and be downstairs so that we could get the taxi to the venue.

I grab my dress from the bed and walk into the bathroom, changing quickly into it, trying not to ruin my hair that is spent ten long minutes on. When I'm done and I check how I look (which is amazing, as per usual), I walk out the bathroom to see Brad tugging his black tux jacket on, his tie on the bed.

"You couldn't do it?" I laugh and he shakes his head, making me roll my eyes as I grab it, walking over to him. "You know, it's really easy."

"If it was easy I would've done it by now," he says and I smile as I put the tie around his shoulders so I can lift up his collar. I start making the tie, sure to do it properly and not mess up. Once I've done, I put his collar back down and smile at him.

"Let's go," I say, grabbing his purse from the small table by the bed. I need money for alcohol and food after the wedding.

Brad opens the door for me and locks it, putting the key in his wallet. He was wearing black trousers, a white shirt, a white tie and a black tux. His hand was on the small of my waist as he lead me to the elevator.

Of course, a trip down to the hotel entrance wouldn't be a trip down to the hotel entrance if Ashley didn't make an infamous performance. I swear she's in that hotel room alone—do her parents not want to be seen in the same hotel room as her?

"Hey Bradley Bear," she smirks at him but he just rolls his eyes. "Maybe we could finish what we started last night with no interruptions?" She glares at me and I scoff, turning away.

"I don't know, Ashley," he replies with venom in his voice. "Could I talk to you?"

He doesn't let her reply as he walks over to her, towering over her, looking intimidating.

"Listen here, doll," he says, disgusted by their proximity. "If you ever try and get between Tas and I like that. . . I'll break you."

"Is that a threat?" She squeaks, still trying to sound like the bigger person but failing.

"No, I don't threaten people, I promise them," he says and steps back. "I think you understand, right?"

She doesn't reply with a snide comment or snarky comeback, instead she nods and quickly goes down the stairs, causing me to roll her eyes.

"Baby girl, teach me how to roll my eyes like that," he says, walking back over to me and pressing the elevator button again since it's still not arrived.

"Don't call me baby girl, I might throw up all over your fancy suit," I reply and he chuckles in response. "I'm kidding, is it Gucci?"

"Yeah," he says, entering the elevator.

"Woah, rich kid," I tease. "But seriously, I'm jealous: it makes me look like I'm wearing something from the dollar store."

"You look amazing; far from dollar store standard," he smiles at me.

"Really?" I ask in awe. I couldn't believe he was basically complimenting me.

"No." He deadpans, hitting the ground floor button and I gasp at him.


"I'm kidding. You look amazing."

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