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"You're coming to this party!" Blake says and I roll my eyes. It always seems to be like this—Blake shouting at me to go to parties that I end up going to against my will.

"Not this time, Blake," I shake my head. "I get that going out and socialising is a great thing, but I just don't feel up to it."

I'm still mentally exhausted from seeing my mom and dad back together and everything after that. Thankfully Brad wasn't acting up and being an ass all the time and was being a decent human being: I definitely wasn't complaining.

"Please, Tas! I'll literally do anything!" He whines and I roll my eyes.

"I don't want to go to a goddam party: can we just leave it at that?" I huff and Blake slouches in his chair.

Our English substitute teacher was completely aware that people were on their phones, throwing paper airplanes and basically doing anything but the work, yet they did nothing about it.

"Besides, how does everyone afford everything? I literally only scrape by with my Netflix subscription." I try and add on as a joke and Blake chuckles quietly.

As I finally pick up my pencil to do some work, the door opens and in walks Brad, a smirk tugging at his face as he sits in the spare seat next to me.

"Why are you late?"

"God, you sound like a teacher," he rolls his eyes and leans back, his feet resting on the table. "And it's not like it made a difference that I'm late, does it? We have a substitute teacher."

"You know how bad that would look on your record if you missed ten minutes of every lesson?" I raise an eyebrow and flip my sheet over. "Ten minutes, six times a day, five times a week—just that is 300 minutes less of class a week!"

"And? What I'm doing otherwise is ten times more fun anyway," he shrugs and I sigh, shaking my head. He's obviously not getting the point that he's missing out on important education, but it's not my problem.

"What were you even doing?"

"I was at the skate park, obviously," he rolls his eyes. "It's like, what, Forty degrees outside? I'd rather have a detention for ditching class and getting out in the sun than staying in this classroom that feels like fifty degrees."

"Whatever, it's your education you're ruining," I shrug. My scholarship here means everything to me, and I could not imagine missing class because of a silly reason like it's too hot inside than it is  outside.

"Are you going to that party tonight?" Brad asks and I shake my head as I scribble answers down on my sheet.

"No, she's not," I can imagine Blake rolling his eyes and I sigh. "She claims that she's 'not up to it' today. You're going, though, right?"

"No," he shakes his head. "Someone's gotta look after Tas when she's home."

"I'm not a child," I roll my eyes. "And me staying at home doesn't effect you going to a party. I'm capable of just staying in my room all night and not getting into any trouble."

"You're always stuck in your room," he whines like a child. "I bet you didn't even we have a pool in the back garden, did you?"

"What the fuck?! Are you rich?" Blake comments and Brad shoots him a glare. I put down my pencil.

"Whatever, you're not going to stop pestering me about it," I shrug and Brad smirks triumphantly. "But, I wanna get on with my work. . . so, like, don't talk to me whilst I do it."

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