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hi, it's been an hour since I published this and Lauren (literallylauren_ )made this amazing book cover and i wanted to share it with y'all as soon as i got sent it because it's freaking amazing !!

hi, it's been an hour since I published this and Lauren (literallylauren_ )made this amazing book cover and i wanted to share it with y'all as soon as i got sent it because it's freaking amazing !!

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"Yeah, it's me."

It was a girl, her reddish-brown hair falling to her shoulders, maybe just past. I couldn't see her face properly, since it was fairly dark and my eyes hadn't fully adjusted to the light—or there lack of.

"Why didn't you call? Or turn on the lights? I thought it was a robber, for Christ's sake, Nat!"

"Sorry, sorry," she says, and she puts her hand to her mouth and are something. I was stood behind Brad, confused at the scene forming in front of me. "But, I'm back! For the wedding next week, at least."

"I'm glad," Brad says and goes to give the girl–Nat–a quick hug before turning to face me. "Nat, this is our temporary housemate, Tasmin; Tasmin, this is my sister, Nat."

"Hi," I say, waving. Did I just seriously wave? What the hell?

"Hey," she waves back, smiling. "How long are you staying for?"

"She won't be staying for long—she's waiting for her apartment to be redone," he lied and I felt my stomach churning. No matter how often we told people I was here for any other reason than for The Bet, I always feel guilty.

"Well, I guess I'm a bit too late to say this, but welcome to the Simpson's Household!"

My day was going great—I woke up on time, Brad actually drove us both to school and we made class on the bell, Brad wasn't a complete dickhead and I was happy for no particular reason.

"Hey," Brad smiles as he sits opposite me on the bench outside. It was seriously hot and going into the canteen would melt me like the wicked witch of the west. "Whatcha doing?"

"Wanking off, obviously," I roll my eyes and he laughs. "I'm kidding, I'm eating."

"Is that–" he gives my sandwich a quick glance and I raise an eyebrow at his offended expression. "Is that my bear ham!?"

"It's yours?" I ask and he nods vigorously. "Whoops. Oh well."

"Show some respect for your elders," he scoffs jokingly and Blake rolls his eyes. "So, any plans for today?"

"No, not really," I admit and Brad smirks. "Just work."

"Good thing I'm taking you shopping tonight, then," he says and I raise an eyebrow. "I'll pick you up from work."

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