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Brad: bring me a pen. i'm outside your classroom

Me: what the fuck no

Brad: please, you're my fave ugly


Brad: I'm kidding HAHAHAH

Me: I'm not bringing you a pen. you should have your own dummy

Brad: pleeeeeeaaaase

Brad: tell the teacher you need to pee

Me: he always checks outside the classroom before he lets us go.

Brad: that's bullshit

Brad: but I'll wait around the toilets round the corner

Me: why didnt you ask one of your friends for a pen?

Brad: they didn't have one. hurry up dumbass

Me: whatever

Brad: are you coming

Brad: why aren't you replying bitch

Brad: I'm kidding youRE NOT A BITCH

Brad: pls dont kill me

Brad: wait what would you kill me with? the pen? loool

"You're lucky I'm not in a murderous mood," I tell him and throw the pen at him, catching him off guard and it falls on the floor. He looks up from his phone and smirks at me, picking it up.

"Great, you're here, lets go," he says and tugs on my hand, trying to drag me out of the building but I stay in my place in the hallway.

"What do you mean, 'lets go'," I frown and he rolls his eyes.

"I mean let's ditch school," he sighs. "Come on! Tristan and James are in the car waiting for us and Connor's already there."

"I'm not going to wherever you're gonna drag me too, especially with them."

"Why? They're not gonna bite you."

I sigh, "because, I barely know them! And your mom will kill us both if she knows we ditched."

"She won't care, my grades are above a C. Now come on!" He tries to pull me along with him yet I still stay in my place.

"What about my bag?"

"I'll get someone to take it to your locker," he shrugs and manages to actually pull me along this time. "Stop resisting me! You're acting like a three year old."

"I don't wanna leave school," I whine and I just realised the series of words that just slipped out of my mouth.

Heck, who doesn't want to leave school? I've got the perfect time to ditch and I can blame it all on Brad if we get into trouble.

"Why didn't you arrive back into third period class or were seen at the rest of your classes?"

"Brad Simpson kidnapped me. You know the one with dog shit coloured hair and really dark brown eyes? Kind of looks like a Labrador dog just less cute? Yeah, him, he kidnapped me."

I snorted at the thought and voluntarily followed Brad. What a perfect opportunity to get Brad in deep trouble.

"Wait, where are we actually going?" I ask, realising I don't know where he's taking me. Perhaps he's taking me to a haunted asylum and we're gonna get murdered.

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