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I woke up the next morning with Brad's arms holding me against him and his head on my shoulders as he snores softly in my ear. I had woken up early, so I didn't want to wriggle out of Brad's grip and wake him up, especially if he was sleeping so soft—

"Bradley!" I voice shouted and it was Anne. "Bradley! Why are the boys sleeping on my sofa?!" She opens the door and my eyes flutter shut. "Oh my God! Bradley! Wake up!"

Brad groans in my ear as he wakes up removing one arm from my body as he probably rubs his eyes open.

"What's up, mum?" He asks, his voice gravelly from only just waking up.

"Why are the boys on my sofa and Tasmin on your bed? Actually, don't tell me why Tas is here—"

"Jesus, why are you so loud?" He sighs, annoyed. "Tas is sleeping, can't you see?"

"Wait—why is your wall broken? Did you and Tas get into an argument and you break the wall? Oh my god did you have make up sex—?"

"Mum!" Brad hisses and I snuggle into the pillow so they don't see my smile that's creeping onto my face. "Me and Tas didn't have sex, she just came over for a bit and she was obviously too tired to go home."

"Right. . ." She says, unconvinced. "You're paying for your wall to be fixed! I don't even wanna know why it's broken."

"I don't have any money," Brad says and Anne huffs in response before leaving and closing the door. I couldn't help but giggle at what happened and Brad groans. "She's so embarrassing."

"I love Anne!" I reply and he rolls his eyes. I turn around and his hand sits on my waist. My eyes kept drooping as we lay in silence.

"We should probably get up for school," he mutters and I agree, rolling out of bed and running my hand through my hair to tame it. He hands me some clothes he had found in my old room and leaves me to get changed.

When I'm done, I grab my phone to see a missed call off of my mom and I quickly ring her back.

"Hey mom," I yawn as she answers, me walking downstairs and into the kitchen where the four boys were eating breakfast.

"Where have you been?" She asks, worry evident in his voice and I roll my eyes.

"I stayed at my friends house because I ended work late," I lie. "I should've called but I ended up falling asleep before it crossed my mind."

"It's fine. Just get to school and I'll hopefully see you tonight," she says before ended the call. With a huff, I throw my phone onto the side and run a hand through my hair.

"We're leaving now," Tristan stretches, standing up.

"I'll take your car," James says quickly, standing up and following Tristan out of the house and Connor does too, leaving me and Brad for his car.

"My bag's at my house," I reply. "You know, the one with all of my books in."

"You can use my revision books," he says, a shy smile on his face, his hand reaching for his car keys and his own backpack. "Let's go."

Following him down to the car, I shout goodbye to Anne and Derek before climbing into his Lamborghini, which I could've sworn he didn't have a couple days ago. Rich kids.

I climb into the front seat and close the door, Brad doing the same. He waits for us both to put out seat belts on before we leave swiftly after Tristan.

"Can I put some music on?" I ask, my hand already reaching for the car radio. He doesn't even reply as I switch on a station that's playing music.

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