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I had woken up late.

Not late as in I'll make it to school just on time late or I'm gonna be five minutes later than usual late, I mean, I'm going to miss fifth and sixth period late.

Yes, I woke up at half past eleven in the morning.

I have no clue why my parents didn't wake me up, especially since they've already left home and are most likely at work.

I check my phone to see that my alarm didn't go off, for some bizarre, cliché reason. I also see that Brad's bombarded me with messages.

Brad: good morning

Brad: see you at school!

Brad: where are you?

Brad: you're not replying and it's break

Brad: should I be worrying?

Brad: reply !!!!!!

Brad: helloooooo

Brad: you've slept in haven't you?

Brad: for fucks sake tasmin

Brad: it's nearly the end of fourth period and you're not here

Brad: there's another half an hour left of class and you're still nowhere to be seen

Me: right I slept in I don't know if my moms left any money for the bus but we'll see

I run a hand through my hair and stand up, walking through to the kitchen to see a note from my parents explaining how they didn't want to wake me and that they've called in sick for me. Sighing, I message Brad and wait for his reply.

Brad: my mum would kill me if I slept in

Brad: okay I'm gonna come over for lunch I'll be forty minutes??? okay cool

I didn't see the point in replying as I clean up the pizza boxes and beer cans my parents had left, attempting to make the apartment look slightly more presentable for Brad.

When I've finished, I smell my armpits and stop myself from gagging. The best decision was to get a shower and since it took me twenty minutes to clean the whole place up, there was enough time to grab one.

I pull off my clothes and slide under it, letting the warm drops of water go down my body. Knowing that time is limited, I grab some shampoo and start doing my hair and then my body before climbing out the shower and dry myself.

I chose on a pair of sweats and a band t-shirt, that I think I'd actually stole off of Brad, to wear since I was still tired, and I didn't want to look like I was trying to impress Brad or anything.

As soon as I'd lifted my hair into a pony-tail, there was a sharp knock on my door and I knew Brad was here.

"Jesus Christ, it's clean in here," Brad comments as I swing open the door and I nod, letting him in. He takes off his shows and throws his jacket on the coat rack before turning to me with a bag in his hand. "I brought snacks."

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