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"You look stressed," I state as I walk over to Blake. Taking the set next to him, he sighs.

"Don't get me started," he says and I give him a couple of seconds before he speaks again. "My mom and dad are trying to pressure me into helping out at their restaurant or cafe or whatever it is, because they're a few workers short for the next few weeks—I don't wanna work there though!"

"What do you have to do?" I pull out my books.

"Uh, I don't know? Waitering or something," he shrugs and sighs again.

"You should ask your parents if I can help," I suggest. "I'm in need of a job."

"Wait, seriously?"

I simply shrug, "sure. I mean, it gets your parents off your back, they have an extra worker and I get a job for a few weeks. It's kind of a win-win situation."

"You're literally a life-saver! I'll message you what they say later," Blake taps away rapidly on his phone, grinning. Flipping through the pages in my textbook, I notice a figure sit next to me and I turn to see Brad there.

"Do you think I should wear a white or black tie?"

"Hello to you too," I muse. "And what for?"

"The wedding," Brad shrugs and scans over the page that my textbook was on.

"You two are moving a bit fast, don't you think?" Blake remarks and I laugh.

"What's 'the wedding'?" I ask, confused.

"Didn't my mum tell you? Her friend invited us to a wedding in Ha-wee-wee next week," Brad informs me.


"Ha-wee-wee," he repeats and I snort.

"You mean Hawaii?"

"Same thing," he shrugs. "But we'll need to buy you an actual swimming costume that fits."

"I wasn't told about this," I frown. "Have I even got an invite?"

"Technically, no," Brad shrugs. "But my mum told me to make you my plus one."

"Are you sure? I mean, I can always stay with my mom and dad; I need to sort everything out with them anyway," I shrug.

"No, no! It's fine," he gives me a quick smile before standing up. "Well, I'm out: I have to go copy someone's homework."

"Uh, okay, see your later."

"That, you shall." He winks and walks out of the classroom with a smirk plastered on his face.

Class soon starts and I find myself playing with my phone on the fidget spinner app—the worst and best invention ever—until I receive a message from Brad.

Brad: you never answered my question

Me: what

Brad: the one about the tie?

Me: oh right

Me: I'd go black

Brad: jokes on you, I've already decided on the white tie

Me: shut up

Brad: no, you shut up

Me: make me

Brad: okay, but you might moan a little bit



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