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"This is gonna hurt," I say and Brad lifts himself on to the kitchen counter. "Don't hit me if it does."

"I'll try," he jokes and his hands are on my waist as I put some anti-septic stuff on it to stop his cuts from getting infected.

I dab the tissue on and Brad hisses through his teeth and I wince myself, trying not to cringe.

"I'm sorry!" I apologise and he chuckles and I try again. This time, he just squeezed on my waist, causing me to glare at him. "There's some stuff upstairs that might help, wait here."

"I'll go with you, it's fine," he says and slides off the counter and follows me to the bathroom where some more useful first aid kits are.

"What's this? Lube?" Brad asks suddenly, picking up a tube. I laugh as he examines it.

"No, idiot, it's a mascara tube." I shake my head and take it away from him. "Did Jace hit your head too hard and now you're not thinking straight?"

"Pfft, please," Brad rolls his eyes. "That kid couldn't punch to save a life. He's lucky that he actually cut my skin at all."

"Hm, I bet," I turn back to the first aid cabinets and get what I need. "Okay, this is really gonna sting but it is gonna save you from dying."

"Sounds good."

He sits on the edge of the bath, me between his legs cos I'm so damn small and can't reach otherwise. He laughs as I stand on my tiptoes, dabbing some more stuff onto his face and I crack a smile.

When I'm finally done, I take a step back, "there we go, you're all fixed up. Tips by the exit please."

"Of course," He laughs and stretches his muscles. We stand there in silence, looking into each other's eyes. His were so captivating, I struggled to tear my eyes away from him.

I didn't even realise what I was doing until my hand reached his hair and I'm running my hand through it softly. I was expecting Brad to push me away or something but he doesn't. He just looks at me, his eyes not looking anywhere but at my face.

"I forgot Jace was your ex-boyfriend." He says, and I yank my hand from his hair quickly, careful not to hurt him.

"Crush, ex-crush," I correct him. "I'm so glad I got over him and his stupid ass. What a waste of time."

"I'm glad too," he says quietly and I look up, confused. "Anyway! Care to join me and my friends watching a film as a token of gratitude?" He offers.

"I would be delighted," I say in a terrible English accent. "What are we watching, kind sir?"

"Nothing other than The Lion King." He replies, acting posh. I laugh and take his arm that he's holding out for me and we walk downstairs.

Walking into the lounge, the three boys are on their phone, messaging each other and glance up as we walk into the room.

I remove my arm from Brad's and jump on the sofa next to Tristan, waiting for Brad to put the film.

"Wait, give me your number," Tristan says and I grab his phone and type it in and moments later my own phone pings.

Unknown: I am in love with Jeremy Kyle

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