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That was possibly the best night of sleep I've ever had, undeniably.

However, I did wake up with Brad's head on my shoulder and his arms around my waist whilst he was still asleep.

Rolling my eyes, I attempt to lightly untangle myself from his body but it doesn't work since he decides to tighten his grip instead.

"Brad, get the fuck off of me," I whisper-shout at him and he stirs lightly in his sleep, his head lifting up. His curls were over his eyes but I could see that he was opening them slightly. Rubbing his eyes, he removes himself from me and stretches.

"Good morning," he says, his voice croaky.

"You sound like a frog," I say as I stand up, walking over to my drawer of clothes, grabbing a bralet and some shorts, then getting into the bathroom to get ready for the day and get breakfast downstairs.

When I've finished getting myself ready, Brad's waiting for me against the wall and looks up at me, smiling, "Nat's gone to our parents room, and said we should meet them downstairs."

"Let me grab my phone," I close the bathroom door and grab my phone before following him out the room. "If we bump into As—"

"Why are you guys still here?" I hear someone yawn behind us and I don't turn around as I roll my eyes.

"We could say the same for you—isn't crap supposed to be in the trash?" I mock her yawn and walk over to the elevator.

Brad presses the button and leans against the wall next to it, watching Ashley strut down the stairs in her six inch heels, short shorts and shirt. I feel my cheeks heat up and I'm not afraid to admit that, yeah, I'm jealous. I'm jealous that Brad's attention is on a different girl other than me. What the hell am I turning into?

"Are you okay?" He asks, frowning at me and I nod, walking into the elevator as the doors open. The trip down is in silence as he stands at one end of the lift and I stand at the other. Soon it's full and we all empty out into the busy hall.

Due to how busy the hotel is, everyone is either going into the breakfast room, into the pools or out to discover Hawaii, and so the entrance is sprawling with families and couples and friends.

"Brad?!" I shout as I get mixed into the crowd and I feel someone grab my wrists and Brad is standing besides me, leading the way to the breakfast hall, joining his family in the queue.

"Me, Derek and Nat are going to the beach—would you care to join us?" Anne asks as we get seated at a small table.

"Yeah," Brad answers for the both of us and I stand up to help myself to some food, craving some toast. He follows me up, holding a plate for himself and handing me one too.

"Thanks," I mumble and start getting me some food. He follows me however and I try not to snap at him to go away—why am I in such a foul mood today?!

"Mum," Brad shouts across the breakfast hall as he starts to take my plate off of me. I turn bright red as everyone turns to stare. "Me and Tas aren't hungry so I'll see you later. We're gonna get ready, yeah?"

I'm not sure if she replies because before I know it, Brad's dragging me up to our apartment and opens the door, letting me go in first.

I roll my eyes as I sit down on the bed, confused as to why he brought me up here instead of just talking to me downstairs. He had to take me away from the food, didn't he?

"What's the matter with you?" He asks, sounding genuinely confused but I'm not sure if it's just a façade.

"Nothings wrong," I shake my head, laying on the bed and facing the ceiling. He sits on the single bed, looking at me with a concerned face as he leans forward.

"Don't lie to me," he says, his voice quiet. "Talk to me instead. I won't get mad."

I just sigh and shut my eyes. What is wrong with me? Perhaps jealousy is a bad look on me, because I sure am jealous of the way Brad looked at Ashley earlier. My stomach flutters in slight anger as my cheeks flush slightly red.

"I want to call off the bet."

"What?" He asks, sitting straight up at him. "Why?"

"Because. . . I don't know. I don't wanna get too close to you, and then see you look at girls the way you did earlier."

"Like I did earlier. . ?"

I roll my eyes. "It doesn't matter. You obviously don't even realise you're doing it."

"I'm so confused right now," he says and I sit up, facing him. Now we sit across from each other, me annoyed and him confused. He's got his arms on his legs as he leans forward, his hands held in each other. However I'm sat up straight, trying not to look at his eyes that are covered by his curly locks. "Whatever I did, I'm sorry, alright?"

"Okay, yeah," I shake my head. "I just wanna call this bet off, and when we get back home I'll leave and live with my parents and we can go back to hating each other like we did when we first met."

"I'm not letting you live back with your parents," he says, sitting up properly now. "You haven't had a decent conversation with either of them since you went by the apartment. I'm not gonna put you under that kind of pressure."

"It doesn't matter what you think," I scrunch up my nose and stand up, ready to leave but he copies my actions and follows me to the door. "I'm getting some air to cool off, please don't follow me."

"I can't do that—"

"I don't care what you think you can or cannot do!" I snap and he rolls his eyes, placing his hand on the door as I reach for the handle to leave. His other hand is at his side.

"You don't know your way around, you'll get lost and I won't be able to find you. Just sit down and let me talk to you, to convince you to stay for a minute." He was so calm, so confident and it made me more annoyed than I already was. Jealousy really isn't a good look on me. . .

"Make me."

He's taken aback by my words and he falters for a second.

"The way I have in mind you won't like," he looks down at me.

"What're you gonna do? Beat me up?" I scoff and his eyes soften for a second. "Make me stay, or I'll walk out this door right now."

"And where will you go?" He raises an eyebrow, challenging me but I don't let his intimacy take down the walls I've managed to build up.

"I don't know."

His arm moves from the door and I take it as a chance to move the handle but he grabs my face, kissing me.

For a moment, I'm surprised. Why did he kiss me? Was this his way of trying to keep me to stay? Kiss him back, dammit Tas!

My hand goes from the handle, to his cheek and my other one goes to his other cheek. I tilt my head, moving my lips with his, as he presses himself against me.

He pulls back, his hands now on my waist and I slowly move myself away.

"Can you stay and talk now?"

"Y-yeah, I suppose."


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