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I brushed my hands over the baby pink dress, and take one last glance in my mirror. I looked different, but that's because I had actually put effort into how I looked, and how my hair was styled. Also, I was a couple of inches taller as I was in some small heels, which I knew would get on my nerves throughout the night.

"Tasmin! A handsome boy just asked for you," my dad shouts from the other side of our apartment and I roll my eyes, blushing. I grab my clutch bag and turn off my light as I walk out.

"Do I look okay?" I ask my mom, who was stood outside of my room. Her lips form into a huge, proud grin and she pulls me in for a hug.

"You look amazingly beautifully stunning," she says, making me blush once more: I have a feeling this night's going to make me look like a tomato. "Have fun, baby girl."

"Thank you, mom," I pull her in for another hug before walking with her to the front room where Brad and my dad stood, discussing the football programme that was on.

"Hey," I smile at them both and Brad's head shoots up, quickly giving me a grin. Over the past week, we've barely seen each other since I was being interviewed by the boys or hanging out with Blake or talking with the girls, and I've wanted to bond with my parents more.

"Right! Pictures!" My dad says, clapping his hands and grabs the camera that was on the coffee table in front of him and I groan. "I want you two in front of the door, come on!"

I walk over to Brad, taking his hand and standing in front of our door.

"You look great, by the way," he whispers, his hand shaking around my waist as we both look at the flashing camera–I'm pretty sure I looked like a tomato due to the blush again.

"Let them get to the dance!" My mom scolds my dad as he continues to take blinding pictures. My dad huffs and I give them both a cuddle before joining Brad outside the apartment. "Use protection!"

"Why do I get a scary feeling that our parents are gonna be best friends," Brad shudders and I laugh in response. We go down to the ground floor and I follow him to his Lamborghini. Opening the door, Brad slaps my hand away lightly. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Opening the door. . ?" I frown and Brad tuts, shaking his head.

"I'm meant to open it for you, silly," Brad shakes his head and opens the door as he speaks, waiting for me to get in before closing the door for me. I place my clutch bag on my knee as I fasten my seat belt before Brad buckled himself in and we set off for the gymnasium at school.

"I'm nervous," I admit randomly. "And I have no idea why."

"I'm nervous, too, and that's saying something because I'm barely ever nervous."

I look over at Brad and give him a smile, but his eyes were, thankfully, on the road. My eyes look out of the window, watching the landscape go by and I wish the moment could last forever, but we soon pull into the school's parking lot.

"Stay here," Brad says, jumping out the car and I only just take in what he's wearing as he shuts his door and walks to mine. He was in black, skinny jeans and a white button up shirt, with a tie dangling down from the collar along with a suit blazer. He opens the door and holds his hand out for me to take, and I accept it gracefully.

"Are you ready for tonight?" He asks, a smile on his face as our fingers intertwine. We waited in line to go in, and I stay close to him as cold air brushes against my legs.

"I will be once we're inside and I'm not freezing my ass off," I mumble, and he instantly puts his arm over my shoulder, pulling me in for a bear hug to keep me warm. I put my arms around his torso and my face presses gently against his chest. "Where are the other boys?"

"I've no clue," he admits and I laugh, pulling out of the hug and we wait patiently to go in. The music grew louder and the lights became brighter as students piled into the already packed gymnasium. "Would you like to dance?"

"I would love to dance," I grin, taking his hand and we walk over to the crowd of students, mixing in with them as we jump up and down to the music that pounded through the stereo.

His hands found my waist as the song slowly became a sadder one, causing me to sway my hips to the slow rhythm.

"I never liked slow songs," I admit, my arms wrapped around his neck and my head on his chest once again.

"Why's that?" He asks, his chin on my head and we slowly turn clockwise.

"I just like more upbeat songs, the adrenaline that rushes through my body," I reply, lifting my head up and looking him in the eyes. He reaches down and slowly puts his lips to mine before pulling away.

"Can we talk?" Brad's hands drop slowly from my waist and he grips my hand, walking us both over to the empty tables at the edge of the huge hall.

"What's up?" I ask as he takes my hand gently. "Did I do something wrong? I promise it wasn't me."

"You did nothing!" He chuckles. "I just wanted to ask you something that's been playing on my mind, especially in the past week."

"Alright. . ."

My heart was thumping wildly against my chest and I was thinking of all the possibilities that he could ask me and I was scared on what it could be.

"And, Tasmin, I want you to be my girlfriend. And I know asking you at a lane school dance is the worst thing to do, but I feel like right now I won't sop myself from asking you," he takes a deeps breath. "So, will you be my girlfriend?"



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honestly i can hear your
distant cries from under my bed pleasE don't kill me hehe but
yeah here's the final part of
The Bet, also one of my
favourite books to write
oh my.


sadly I'm not going to be making a sequel. i feel like if I try to, it doesn't go right. i have no inspiration D:

you can take this book further in your imagination, if you want.

or u can check out the bus, my other brad fanfic. meh, it's up to you. ;D

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