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I don't believe in saints,
they never make mistakes •

"Oh, my baby's going to college! I'm so proud of you!" My mom pecked my cheek and I had a feeling she's not letting go of my arm any time soon. I know, I know, it's emotional when you see your only child off to college but this celebration has been going on ever since I received my acceptance letter.

"I know, mom. Thank you but you should really stop smothering me with it." I said in the nicest, most calm way possible so I wouldn't upset her.

"Oh, don't be be silly Alex." She raised her eyebrow and gave me the look. "Don't you pout at me, honey. I think I'm allowed to be happy that my only son is heading to college." The enthusiasm wasn't wearing off, so I decided to cut her some slack. I pulled her into a hug as we were standing on campus, right in front of the building door of my dorm house.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, don't be a stranger, okay?" She said, smiling at me and cupping my face with her palms.

"I won't, promise. I'll visit all the time, besides, we can skype." I said, smiling back at her. Then she pulled me into a quick hug again and started walking to our car.

"Bye hon, have a nice time!" She shouted when she turned around. I waved back and waited on the spot until she drove off.

Of course I love my mother to death and I'm gonna miss her and our home, but it's always been one of my priorities and goals to enroll at the University of San Francisco. Everyone at home has been very supportive and I couldn't wait to see what everyone and everything here is like. I always wanted to live in a dorm, while being away for college. I don't know why, I guess it presented that independence that every single person needs to experience at the age of 18. Never have I had any doubts about not being able to study because there are so many distractions, like parties and all that. I'm very well organized and my priorities are set but that doesn't mean I can't have fun. I really fucking can, when the time is right.

Most of my stuff was already in my room, I also got my keys and the only thing I had left is my backpack. My room was located on the fifth floor and thank god there was an elevator, because I was everything but the sporty type. I hate any kind of physical activity besides walking. I'm okay with that, I've been walking my dog every day for the past four years, but that's about it. I hated PE and the teachers were always so full of spirit which made me want to puke. They were pushing me and if I wanted to pass, I had to cooperate. This is why I have been dying to go to college, I can finally study things I want to.

The elevator door shut and I was wondering what my roommate is like. Hopefully it won't be some burnout that only gets high and parties because I need my peace. I'm also hoping it's not some stuck up dude because I just happen to like guys. So naturally I wouldn't want to be stuck with some narrow-minded prick for four years because the possibility of switching rooms is very little.
Elevator stopped on the fifth floor with a ding I already knew would annoy me. I stepped out and found myself in a pastel peachy-colored hallway. I liked it. Lighter colors always brighten up the place and this was no exception. Doors were wooden in a nice lighter beige with shiny silver doorknobs. Room 502, which is my room, is located almost all the way to the right. When I finally stepped in I was pleasantly surprised. There were two big beds located on each side of the room and in there was also a small counter with a small stove, an even tinier sink and a microwave. Next to it was a table for two, with two chairs and a huge closet on the other side of the room. It was divided, so I presumed that it's for the both of us. My roommate wasn't there yet when I arrived so I decided to unpack and store my clothes in the left wing of the closet. My two suitcases were waiting for me next to the bed on the left side of the room, so I took that one. Firstly, I put on my satin grey bedding, then I arranged my clothes after folding them in the closet. I was done in 15 minutes and there was still no sign of my roommate. Every second more I spent in my dorm room, more I was eager to meet the guy that I'll be sharing it with.

An hour later I was laying in bed, wearing my favorite grey tank top and matching sweatpants. With headphones on my head, already plugged into my laptop, I was listening to Blink182 and lip-syncing when I saw the door open. I immediately removed the headphones, pausing the song. First to enter the room was a shiny purple suitcase. I chuckled to myself when in came a guy, holding another suitcase that was smaller than the first one. I've never seen anyone like him before, which would be the raw first impression, when you just look at a person without talking to them.
He had raven hair with a bleach blonde streak, which would look weird on other people, yet it suited him perfectly. His facial features made him look very kind, maybe a little goofy but those chocolaty brown eyes were where he got me. The outfit he was wearing was pretty simple, just some black sweatpants and a white t-shirt. He looked like the average guy but the vibe he was giving out was something I've never felt before.

"Oh, hey! Am I late for the lecture?" He chuckled and approached me, setting down his luggage. I stood up, already smitten with my roomie's smile which officially makes me the biggest cliché ever.

"Almost." I joked and stuck my hand out. "I'm Alex."

Of course he shook my hand, smiling at me adorably. "Nice to meet you Alex, I'm Jack." He replied and I just couldn't wipe the stupid smirk off my face.

"Likewise." I said, thinking to myself how this just might be the best thing so far.

"Well now, looks like we're gonna be stuck together for quite a while. You wanna grab a drink with me? I desperately need to get some caffeine into my system." He asked me and little did he know I wanted to grab something more than just a drink, like every single part of his body.

"Sure. Do you wanna unpack first or..." I thought he would.

"Yeah, sure. It'll take me like five minutes." He chuckled as I pointed him to his closet wing. His bed was done in a minute and he wouldn't even accept my help. His muscly arms were probably the only thing I was staring at when he was putting his clothes on the shelves and in my mind I was guessing which sport he plays or if maybe it's just fitness.
He wasn't kidding though, because five minutes later he was already done, unpacked.

"So, Alex... how about that drink."

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