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Joeys POV:

Once Emily was up she got showered and dressed and were ready to live the apartment to go to the airport to go to Japan. I know Emily doesn't really want to go Japan anime really isn't her thing so I figured I would take her to England I have the tickets and everything. I was so excited to surprise her. I hope all goes well and she doesn't get mad. I don't know if she is made at me for almost skipping out on the wedding. I feel like a jerk for doing that to her. Why is she still with me? A question I will never be able to answer that is for sure. I here a knock at the door downstairs and Emily gets it.

Emilys POV:

I open the door and Lisa is standing there. She shows we a picture of Joey kissing Meghan I have seen it on tumblr it was fake.

Lisa: See Joey is cheating on you!

Emily: Really?!?!

Lisa: Ya, you should divorce him for not telling you.

Emily: I will think about it.

I slam the door.

Lisa: You will regret that Emily I always have the last laugh.

Joey: Was that L..

Emily: Yep. Ready to go?

Joey: I guess.

We grab our stuff and head out. We grab a taxi and drive to the airport . We go through get our bags checked and the whole pat down. 

Emily: You have the tickets right?

Joey: Ya here.

I read the ticket.

Emily: Joey! This ticket is for London we grabbed the wrong ticet or something.

Joey: Suprise!

Emily: Shut up!

I smiled and hugged him.

Joey: Be honest you didn't really want to go to Japan did you?

Emily: Nope not really!

Joey: Lets go!

We get on the plane and it was huge! We got tvs and everything. The people were really nice on this flight as well. The last time I was ona flight this long it was for The Amazing Race. We take off and Joey and I watch a couple movies.

Joeys POV:

Emily feel asleep in the middle of Little Miss Sunshine. She must have been tried. I wonder what Lisa wanted? She is never up to any good. It scares me to think that one minute a person can be your best friend and the next your worst enemy. It makes me want to watch my back before a knife ends up in it. The only person I trust at this point is Emily and that is the only person I will trust until I have a daughter or a son. I can't wait for that day. The day my life will be complete. Being married makes us one step closer.

Emilys POV:

The plane starts to rock. I hear a scream from the bathroom and a gun shot. Joey puts me under his arm and holds me tight.

Pilot: I need all to hide there is a sho... *BAM BAM*

I look at Joey we both know what just happened. It becomes harder to breathe and the plane is starting to go down. The shooter comes out and shoots many many people on the plane. Now it was just Joey and I him tight.

Joey: Please don't hurt us!

X: I wasn't planing on hurting the girl.

Emily: Pleae don't hurt him!

To late! He shoots Joey in the head and it was just the shooter and I. I looked into his eyes evil and full of fear. He realized what he has done. He doesn't care. I cry and look at Joey. He opens his eyes.

Joey: Em wake up. Its alright just wake up I have got you.

I open my eyes and we were all fine. Joey was holding me close.

Joey: Are you okay?

Emily: I had another nightmare its okay.

Joey: Well everything is going to be okay.

Emily: I love you.

Joey: Love you too.

I kiss him and we land in London. Jim and Tanya are there to pick us up. We wave and we all get on the train. I was so excited to hang out with the Brits! They were all so sweet.

Tanya: We loved the wedding photos it looked amazing.

Emily: We wished you guys could have come!

Jim: We wanted to but so many things got in the way it was insane. We were just glad to watch it on Youtube.

Joey: I love the internet.

Emily: When is our stop?

Joey: Well we are going to the palace.

Emily: What? Why?

Joey: I got us a suit here.

Emily: Shut up!

Joey: Now you can fianlly be royal.

Emily: I can be a princess!

Joey: Like at Anna Sun??

Emily: How did you remember that?

Joey: I tend to remember the best days of my life.

Emily:Well that is good. I will forget so that makes me feel better.

Joey: Oh whatever. We will get back the day before your birthday.

Emily: Oh ya I have to go to the doctors that day.

Joey: Really?

Emily: Yep I always go the day before my birthday for my yearly thing that is boreing and I get shots for.

Joey: I hate that thing!

Emily: Yep basically how I feel.

We get to our stop and we go and check in. We go to our room with Tanya and Jim the room was so amazing. Meant for a Queen.

Joey: See I told you that you should have let me plan everything for the wedding.

Emily: Ha, I didn't feel like getting married in a Whole Foods.

Joey: Hahaha.

I smiled and kiss his cheek.

Tanya: You guys want to come to donner with us?

Emily: Ya! Is Zoe going to be there?

Jim: She should.

Joey: Lets go!

We head down to the Pub it was clean unlike what I was expecting. We join Zoe and the others and just chatted. We took many selfies and vlogged a little bit it was really fun! I wish we lived in England but there is just not that much out here for us I guess. We all wrap up and go our seprate ways after all we were going to meet up tomorrow. Joey and I go back to the room and crash on the huge bed and drift asleep in one another's arms.


Authors POV:

I know nobody reads this and if you are thank you! I like being to speak one on one lol. So thank you for readin' we are almost 80k which is pretty amazing and I never thought I would ever get this far it is truly breath taking I may say. Thank you for all the nice Kiks and comments you make my day and if you need anybody to talk to I am always here never forget that :-). Don't forget to check out my other books as well!

Kik: Emilyeep22

Twitter: Emilyeep13

Tumblr: Joeytheanya

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