First comes Death

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Chapter 1 ~ First comes Death

Percy Jackson

I didn't want to die.

I know half-bloods normally die at a young age, but I wanted to live longer than 17. I mean, I made it this far, why not longer?

The worst part of it all, I didn't even get to do some heroic stuff, I just, well, died.

A sword to the heart, what a way to go. And it wasn't even exciting! Annabeth and I were helping a new camper, who I later learned was a daughter of Athena, named London White, across the border when it happened.

She was being chased by a large group of monsters, I counted two hellhounds and three dracane.

Huh, these guys must really not like Athena.

Annabeth pulled her drakon bone sword out of it's sheathe while I pulled out my pen-sword, Riptide.

We charged.

Annabeth took on a hellhound, stabbing it in the chest (what an awesome girlfriend I have!) while I ran up to the girl.

"Hi, my name's Percy. You see that farmhouse up there?" I pointed at the Big House and she nodded, "Good, when you get there ask for Chiron and he'll explain everything."

With one last glance at us the girl ran off past the border, leaving us to fight.

Annabeth had also taken down a dracane, and was struggling with a hellhound.

I fought with one of the remaining dracane, slashing and dodging. I have to admit, she was pretty good.

Neither of us seemed to realize there was another dracane, waiting for the right time to strike.

Annabeth finished off her hellhound. I turned to look at her for a moment. Her beautiful blond hair was tied in a ponytail, her calculating gray eyes looked for another enemy. She wore a Camp Half-Blood shirt and jeans, same as me. Golden dust littered her and the the ground around her.

The dracane took advantage of me being distracted and cut my arm. Mental note to self: Don't stare at girlfriend in battle.

I went back to fighting, parrying her strikes and managing to get some of my own.

Since when were monsters this good?

I finally disarmed her, pinning her against the ground. She gave me an evil smirk.

"Goodbye Perseussssss Jacksssson." She hissed. I wanted to respond with some comment like, "Goodbye? You're the one pinned under the sword." Then I remembered the other snake lady.

Uh oh.

I quickly stabbed the one under my sword, turning her into golden dust, before turning around.

Right into a sword.

The snake lady let out a hissing laugh. She had placed the sword so when I turned around it would hit me right in the chest.

"Oops." I muttered as I collapsed to the ground, my vision already a bit fuzzy. There was a shriek from Annabeth and she stabbed the dracane.

The last thing I saw was my girlfriend stomping over to me, yelling about how I was a Seaweed Brain. The last thing I heard was her voice. The last thing I thought was, 'Oh gods help me. Annabeth's gonna come into the underworld, drag me out, and kill me again.

What a great way to die, am I right? Oh, you probably expected me to be dramatic and stop the chapter right there.

Well anyway, my name's Percy Jackson, and this is the story of how I met Chaos.

I've been reading books like this too much, so I decided to make one of my own. What do you guys think? Is it okay so far? Did I get Percy's personality right?

Hope you enjoyed!

~ Blackie

Word count: 610 words

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