Something's Not Right

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Chapter 4 ~ Something's Not Right

Nico di Angelo

It had been about a year since Percy's death. The camps, especially Camp Half-Blood, were sad, but moved on. Annabeth had taken it hard, now her main focus was training her fourteen year old sister, London. They had become close since Percy's death. Jason and Piper had gone to college in New Rome, visiting Camp Half-Blood on holidays. Frank and Hazel were at Camp Jupiter, Hazel occasionally Iris Messaged me or one of the remaining Seven to see how we were doing, she was a good sister.

I was visiting the Underworld today, with much protest from Will. I had finally convinced the Son of Apollo to let me visit my father, Hades. But I was also going to do something else. I was going to check on Percy.

I shadow-traveled into the Underworld, I was now standing outside of my father's castle.

In case you're wondering, I had gotten much better at shadow-travel after the statue incident. No more fading into shadows for me!

I knocked on the black door, hoping Hades was in a good mood.

"Come in." My father's deep voice rumbled. I stepped inside.

"Nico." Hades looked up from his paperwork. "Haven't seen you in a while, what is it son?"

I suddenly felt nervous, what if he said no?

"Well, uh, sir," I began.

"No need to call me sir, I'm your father, Nico." He interrupted.

"Okay, father, I was wondering, did Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon make it to Elysium?"

My father sighed and began looking through some old paperwork, "Yes, yes he did."

"May I visit him?" I asked nervously. Hades narrowed his eyes but said, "If course." He waved his hand and the shadows swirled around me.


Next thing I knew I was standing on the sandy shores of Elysium. I saw  Charles Beckendorf standing with Leo Valdez.

"Hey Beckendorf, Leo!" I called, they turned to look at me. Leo smiled, "Hi Nico di Angelo!" He said in a monotone.

That was odd. Leo would usually say something like, "Hey Ghost Boy!" Or "What's up Shadow Dude?" But I shook it off. "Do you guys know where Percy is?" I asked them.

"Percy Jackson?" Beckendorf asked, his voice also in a monotone, and now that I thought about it, their eyes seemed to have a faraway look. That was strange.

"Yes," I nodded.

" I believe he is over there with Zoe Nightshade and Luke Castellan. " Leo said, his voice deprived of it's usual humor. What was up with these people today?

"Thanks Leo!" I said walking the way Leo had pointed. I passed the residents of Elysium. Some had that monotone voice and faraway look in their eyes, while others looked completely normal.

I passed a familiar black haired girl, "Bianca!" I called. She turned to look at me, a strange, faraway look in her eyes.

oh no, I thought.

"Hello Nico di Angelo." She said in that familiar monotone voice. What was going on here?

I smiled at my 'sister' and continued walking.

A few minutes later I saw Luke, Zoe, and Percy sitting at a table together. They weren't even talking, just, well, sitting. They just stared straight ahead, not talking or moving. This day just got weirder and weirder.

"Percy?" I asked, almost afraid that my old friend wasn't himself , or that something happened to him.

He looked up, his sea green eyes had that all too familiar faraway look. "Hello Nico di Angelo."

Luke and Zoe both stared at me, their gaze seemed to burn into my skin.

"Hey Perce?" I asked, " Can we talk somewhere a bit more...private? " I glanced at Luke and Zoe, but they didn't seem to hear a word we were saying.

"Of course, Son of Hades." Percy led me to another cafe table. "What would you like to talk about, Mr. di Angelo?"

"First of all," I said, " Call me Nico. Second, I wanted to make sure you made it here and tell you that camp misses you, especially Annabeth. "

His expression didn't change. "Thank you Mr. di, I mean Nico. Is that all?"

I took a deep breath, "No. What's the deal with everyone here? Nobody talks normally, and Leo called me Nico di Angelo instead of "Ghost Boy" or something. Plus everyone has a weird look in their eyes and their expressions never change! You're doing it too, so what's up? "

Percy stared at me "I have no idea what you mean." Then, he left.

I got out of there as quickly as I could. I didn't know what exactly had happened, but I knew one thing.

Something's not right.


Here's a chapter about Nico and the Underworld. Has anyone figured out what's going on yet?

~ Blackie

Word count: 805 words

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