Attac- Oh a squirrel!

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Chapter 12 ~ Attac- Oh a squirrel!

Ive been reading Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes, the chapter names have rubbed off on me.

And I know the pic isn't Percy Jackson, it's Ranger's Apprentice. But you can't not love Will's song.

Annabeth Chase

It had been a week since the Chaos Army  came.

Hero and Hurricane had been training is in sword fighting, Star and Angel had trained us in Archery, Arrow had helped in Archery while also doing healing with Magic, Festus was bouncing around the forges, helping where he was needed, Explosion had helped out in the forges also, while Charm, Grape, and Revenge went wherever they were needed.

There was a rumour that the first attack would be today, but we couldn't be sure.

We were all tense.

No one knew exactly when the attack would be, but we wanted to be ready.

I was training London when it happened. She was using a dagger. Celestial bronze like most demigod weapons. She was good, but the older half-bloods like myself could still beat her easily. We were taking a break, she was talking to one of her friends, Kylee from the the Demeter Cabin while I stared out to sea.

I wished my sister could've met Percy. He was a great hero, and an amazing boyfriend. Now the younger campers only knew him as a legend.

Then, there was the loud sound of the conch horn sounding. I picked up my sword and looked to Half-Blood hill. There was an army of about 300 monsters standing on Half-Blood hill.

Percy Jackson/Hurricane

The Chaos Army ran to Half-Blood Hill. The leader of the monster army was Atlas.

Hate that guy.

"Prepare to die demigods!" He snarled. When would monsters get we aren't gonna die just because they say that.

"I don't feel like dying today." Leo whispered to me.

" Attack! " Atlas grinned.

Then the monsters swarmed upon us.

London White

I was nervous.

I'd been training with my older sister, Annabeth for two years now, and I'd always wanted to go into battle. But now that it was happening everything I'd ever worried about came down on me.

I fought back to back with my friend Kylee. She made plants grow and then stabbed them, while I slashed and stabbed at anything that got too close.

There was a loud roar behind me and I felt myself get pushed out of the way.

I looked behind me to see a hydra with four heads. Kyle's was laying beside me, staring in shock at our saviors.

Hurricane and Festus were fighting the hydra.

Hurricane would cut off a head with his sword and Festus would burn it.

Wait, burn it?

The Chaos Army had told us that they were all dead demigods. There hadn't been a fire user in years, until the Giant War when Leo Valdez came.

Festus was also the name of Leo's dragon.

Festus couldn't be Leo, could he?

I didn't notice his form flicker in front of me.

What I did notice was Hurricane get bit on the shoulder. He didn't seem effected by it at all, and slashed at the head.

There was two heads left now.

I got a quick look at Hurricane's shoulder. There was no teeth marks, no blood, no nothing.

Hurricane was struggling with one of them, while the other moved closer and closer to us.

Kylee stood up, holding her sword in front of her.

I stood up beside her , my hand shaking as I help my dagger.

I saw Festus looking at us. He looked worried and kept glancing between us and Hurricane.

Then he did the most surprising thing.

"Hey, two-head!" He yelled, " There's a squirrel over there! "

And the hydra looked for an imaginary squirrel. Hurricane cut it's last head off and Festus burned it.

But Festus had forgotten to burn the head from before. Two more grew.

"Styx!" Hurricane cursed.

Festus turned to us, "Get outta here. P-Hurricane and I got this." He paused to burn a stump. "Go to the infirmary or something. The fights almost over."

Kylee and I nodded, running off to help somewhere else.

Luke Castellan/Hero

The battle was going well.

The Chaos Army had split up to help the campers.

I was helping Jason, Thalia's brother, with some hellhounds.

I stabbed and slashed at them, not worrying about getting hurt.

When we joined Chaos he made it so we were invincible. Well, all but the spot where we died last time. It was like the curse of Achilles all over again.

I stabbed the last hellhound and looked over at Jason.

He had some minor scratches and bites, but nothing serious. We glanced at each other before running off in different directions.

I scanned the place for more enemies, but there was none. The remaining monsters had retreated. The only thing left to show that they were there was the golden dust littering the ground.

I smiled. Take the Gaea and Kronos.


Now just a quick thing I want to do.

I've been thinking of this and want to say it somewhere...

When Annabeth saw Percy, Jason, and Leo possessed and with their eyes golden, she could only think of Luke, how he had betrayed her and joined Kronos. His eyes were golden too. She couldn't help but think that Percy would turn out like Luke. And when Percy controlled poison she couldn't help but think those thoughts again.

My wording in that was horrible.

~ Blackie

Word Count: 949 words

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