Then comes Chaos

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Chapter 3 ~ Then comes Chaos

Percy Jackson

I expected to wake up in the Underworld, but instead I woke up to some creepy man standing over me doing some weird hand movements.

I screamed.

It was like one of those movie scenes, one person screams, then the other person screams. So now Creepy Dude and I were staring at each other, screaming.

What a great day, first I die, then Creepy Dude is doing weird hand movements over me when I wake up, could this day get any better?

Creepy Dude and I finally stopped screaming at each other. I wondered who he was and what the Hades those hand movements were.

"Hello" our voices rang out together.
That's creepy.

"Stop that!" Is this guy reading my mind or are we just saying the same things?

I pinched myself, he did too.

"Stop!" We yelled in unison.

We began doing random things at the same time, weird faces, waving our hands, saying things in unison. It was really getting weird.

At that moment a door swung open, "Chaos," a strangely familiar voice said, "Thou needs to stop playing around."

"But Star!" Creepy Dude whined, "I like messing with new guys!"

'Star' shook her head, her black hair falling to the side. Why did she look so familiar?

"That may be true, but Perseus must be very confused." She replied.

"Call me Percy." I corrected automatically.

"Thee has not changed, I see." Star commented. "Now does thee remember me?"

I tried to remember, she looked so familar. I knew her name started with Z. Zebra? No. Zack? Nope. Zoo? Not even close.

"Nope." Was my answer.

Creepy Dude, or 'Chaos' smiled, "Temporary memory loss, one of the side effects."

"Side effects?" I questioned, "What side effects?"

"Well..." Creepy Dude answered nervously, "I took your soul before it could go into the Underworld so you could join my army, and I took the ashes of your body when they burned it to recreate you here, then I took every memory and feature of you and put a clone of you in the Underworld so nobody would find out."

No wonder I called him Creepy Dude.

"So, you're Chaos? I asked, remembering what Annabeth had told me about him, sure I may have dozed off a bit, but I heard some of it. "Like the creator dude?"

Star nodded, "Yes, this is Chaos, he takes heroes and puts them into his army to help around the galaxy since he is bound by ancient laws. I am Zoe Nightshade, nice to see you again Percy Jackson."

At the mention of her name, memories of Zoe Nightshade appeared into my mind. 

"Hi Zoe." I said , staring at the girl. There was something else about her, but I couldn't remember what.

"In three, two, one..." I faintly heard Creepy Dude say, before I realized something. 

" Wait , Zoe, you're dead. And I have a memory of dying. Does this mean we're in the Underworld? "

The former Hunter shook her head, "Clueless as ever, I see. No. We are on Chaos' Planet." 

I turned to Creepy Dude/Chaos, "You have a planet names after yourself? Awesome!"

Creepy Dude was about to reply when there was a loud knocking on the door, "Yo Chaos!" Another familiar voice said, "Can we meet the new dude now?"

 " Yes! " Creepy Dude yelled back, "Just don't burn the door down, again!" 

 Too late. The door came down with fire burning around it. And behind the door stood my dead friends.

 "Festus!" Creepy Dude yelled, "How many times have I told you NOT to burn down my doors?" 

 Leo Valdez shrugged, "A lot." He earned a snack upside the head from another familiar figure, Calypso. 

Creepy Dude smiled at me, "Percy, meet Leo Valdez, or Festus. Zoe Nightshade, the commander of this army, or Star. Bianca di Angelo, or Angel. Charles Beckendorf or Explosion. Silena Beauregard or Charm. Calypso, or Magic. Castor (Can someone remind of his last name? I forgot), or Grape. Ethan Nakamura, or Revenge.  Luke Castellan, or Hero. And last but not least, Michal Yew, or Arrow.

" Hi Percy! " Everyone but Star said in unison. 

What is with people and talking at the same time?

Well, there's chapter 3! I hope you guys enjoyed! I also apoligize for the short chapters, hopefully they will get longer later on!

~ Blackie

Word count: 732 words.

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