This is war! But let's get food first

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Chapter 9 ~ This is war! But let's get food first

Annabeth Chase

Us cabin counselors, the rest of the Seven, and Reyna were called to Olympus. Normally I wouldn't be nervous, I go up there all the time, being the Architect of Olympus, but the gods had called us all up there and Chiron even sounded worried when he told us.

So now we were all crammed inside a small elevator while the horrible music played.

Seriously Apollo, change the music!

(I kinda wish I made made this story during ToA, so I could've had Annabeth say "Seriously Apollo, change the music! Oh wait, you're a mortal now, so you cant")

After what seemed like forever, we finally made it to Olympus.

Chiron led us into the Throne Room. The gods were staring down at us like we were worthless spawns that were nothing compared to them.

Oh wait, to them we are.

Anyway, blame the random thoughts on ADHD. Speaking of random thoughts, I'm hungry, we didn't get to eat lunch before we came.

Anyway, back to what's happening. The gods were looking at us with a look of pity and sadness? That couldn't be right.

"We have called you here to discuss a war."

Shouts of protest came from around the room.


"Another one?"

"I'm hungry!"

That third one was not me, it was Travis Stoll. Katie slapped him.

"Holy Hades, another war!"

"Hey!" I think you know who that was.

"Don't use my dad's name as a curse!" That one too. Gotta love Nico.

"Against who?" A smart person called out.

I stayed silent in all of this.

"SILENCE!" Zeus thundered (Hahahahhahaha).

"So as you mortals obviously don't know," he was interrupted by none other than Conner Stoll.

"Technically we're only half mortal!''

Katie did the job of slapping him since he didn't have a girlfriend.

The lord of the skys glared at Conner, "You're lucky we need all hands on deck in the next war." He growled. I mentally reminded myself to not mess with Zeus.

"Kronos has reformed."

Angry shouts broke out.

"Him again!"

"We just beat him!"

"I'm still hungry!" Travis earned himself another slap.

"If we're gonna fight, can we at least get food first?" Jason has been hanging around the Stolls it seems.

"SHUT UP PEOPLE!" Thalia is awesome.

Everyone shut up when Thalia yelled. Artemis smiled at her lieutenant.

"Everyone shut up and listen what what Zeus has to say!"

Her father gave her a small nod and continued, "Gaea is starting to wake also."



Zeus sighed, "We believe Tartarus is somehow helping. We think Kronos sonehow sped up Kronos' reforming process, and Kronod is somehow helping Gaea rize. Possibly along with Tartarus' help."


Woah that's a first.

"Wait wait wait." Piper said carefully. "Our two greatest enemies are rising together?"

Zeus nodded, "I'm afraid so. I'm sure you've already heard the prophecy?"

The Camp Half-Blood people nodded, while Reyna, Frank and Hazel shook their heads.

Apollo sighed, "I'm sure Chiron will tell you guys later, after all the Romans and Greeks must work together again."

Artemis nodded, "I will bring the hunters."

"THIS IS WAR!" The Stolls yelled in unison, "But can we get food first?"

Zeus sent another glare their way. "Before we send you off, we have one more thing to tell you."

At that moment eleven cloaked figures fell out of the sky.

"The Chaos army will be ariving." Zeus said, "And they're right on time too."

I'm sorry for the short chapter!

~ Blackie

Word count: 596 words

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