Ends Meet

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A/N; I apologise beforehand for any spelling mistakes which I may or may not correct.

Last night I invited Hayes to come out with Alicia, Kaylee,Tre and I.

Unfortunately he declined, but he said we could hang out in a couple of days!

So I finally bring myself to wake up around 10:30 and I laze around my home. I heard my belly start to rumble so I popped some waffles in the toaster since I couldn't be bothered to make anything.

Whilst I was eating my waffles with bananas and maple syrup, I watched some 'Adventure Time', when I was rudely interupted by my brother and his friends. Since I looked a mess I just ran up the stairs and turned the telly on in my room.

I realised if I was really trying to get with Hayes, he'll have to think I actually care about him.

To: Hayes

How are you?

It was a good 10 minutes until I got a reply.

To: Amelia

Sorry I was in the shower, I'm fine you?

Yes! He's not ignoring me.

To: Hayes

I know you said you were busy but if you're free later we can talk at my house.

This is so risky I don't even know why he'd want to come over. I can't stand him, this is gonna take a lot of effort to pull this off.

To: Amelia

I guess I could make it.

Phew,I thought he was going to turn me down.

I took a long hot shower and washed my hair whilst singing my heart out. But I don't sing in the shower, I perform (I hope you guys get this reference). Anyway I combed my hair out and straightened it, but my hair decided it didn't want to work with me so I put it up in a messy bun.

Eventually after creaming myself and brushing my teeth I got dressed in a pair of Timberlands, my Topshop Joni Jeans and a white lace crop top.

It was about 12:30 when I finally met my friends, we went to go and eat in Chipotle and then headed to the mall since Alicia and I needed to pick up a couple of things at Target.

Tre insisted on us going to the park, so we watched him shoot some hoops whilst I told them about how I'd been talking to Hayes.

"We had a 2 hour conversation last night and we're meeting up tonight" I say this with a massive grin on my face.

"Don't you think this is kinda wrong Amelia?" Alicia piped in.

"What he did to me last summer was wrong Alicia, do you not get it, I want sweet revenge" I shouted

"Fine, but I don't want to be a part of it" She left Kaylee and I alone whilst she played some basketball with Tre.

"I don't see what her problem is"

"I know right, oh my gosh he has hot vine friends too, want to get me in" She jokes

"Of course theres a hot one called Jack G" I say excitedly.

After talking about how hot Jack G is we go and play 2 on 2 with Tre and Alicia. I can't play basketball that well anyway, I'm not the sporty type. Scrap that I'm not talented at all.

So of course Tre and Kaylee won.

*5 Hours Later*

Since I was kind of sweaty from playing basketball, I had a quick shower because I needed to meet Hayes. I put on an oversized hoodie and some black leggings underneath. I left my hair how it was, even though I'm playing him I don't care enough to look my best, he's seen me at my worst before.

I texted Hayes to see where he was because he was 15 minutes late. He'd finished practice late and asked if we could meet at the park instead.

I popped on my air maxes and told my mum that I'm meeting Hayes at the park instead and I gave her a kiss on the cheek and left my house.

It was a 5 minute walk to the park and I was listening to my music on my way there. We always used to hang out at the kids corner, so I assumed we'd meet there and funnily enough we did.

He was sitting at the swings and I sat by him in the next swing.

"So....Hey" I mumbled.

"Hey...I know that what I did was wrong but uh.."

"..No, it's fine I'm to blame aswell" I'm such a great liar I thought to myself.

"So, I guess we've cleared that up?" He asked

"Yeah, so...friends?"

"Friends" He grinned

Everything is falling into place...

Finders Keepers (Hayes Grier Fanfiction) UNFINISHED MAY BE COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now