Just a Tad Saucy?!

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Hayes' P.O.V

We approached our hotel which was now a pile of rubble.

The Cypriot fire brigade are lousy.

We weren't allowed into the hotel to collect our things as the building was a major hazard.

We all walked over to the owners of the hotel and started to get into a heated argument over our possessions.They were refusing to refund our money and to pay for our damaged possessions. I understand it must be hard but it's not our fault.

It was pitch black, and due to the circumstances the police authorised us to stay in a 5 star hotel because of the inconvenience. We unfortunately had nothing to wear other than the clothes on our back, apart from the change of clothes we were once again provided with by the police.

After and hour or so we went to sleep and decided we would stay in tomorrow, we'd also arrange a flight back home.

Jamie's P.O.V

This trip has been disastrous, but we're going to make the most out of it since there's nothing we can do about it.

I had my shower in a huge bathroom, it had a shower that could fit probably 5 people inside and it featured hydro jets. There was a jacuzzi bath placed in the centre of the room and a standard toilet and sink in the corner.

Maybe this fire had some perks.

After having my wash I'd walked into our lounge room where everyone had changed into their supplied clothes. I walked through them all to get changed and returned promptly.

When I joined them we just talked and Amelia and Jake called their parents to let them know. Meanwhile Hayes was on the phone to the airport trying to fix our flight. During this time I talked to Alicia, she's really nice a bit desperate though. I think I'd be close with Amelia and Alicia when we go back to school.

I hope we are.

At school I'm surrounded by guys since Kyle's on the football team and he's my only proper friend. Well Jake too, I just make small talk with Hayes since he kinda intimidates me. Other than them I'm surrounded by fake cheerleaders like Anneli.

They seem cool, like they'd take no shit from anyone.

Eventually after everyone had finished talking on the phone we came to the decision that we really weren't going to stay at the hotel. Everyone still had their money because we went out yesterday, so we headed to the beach once again and tried out jet ski-ing.

Alicia's P.O.V

Hayes was really excited to do jet ski-ing since he does it back home, so he began to show off. I told him bluntly that I'm riding with him so I wouldn't die and he reluctantly agreed.

Are boys scared of me or what?

Hayes and I headed into the sea and hopped onto our jet ski and within seconds we were in the middle of the sea. I waved at everybody whilst screaming in Hayes ear.

"Shit slow down, I'm scared" I shouted whilst tightening my grip around Hayes' waist.

I began to lean forwards onto him and he didn't retaliate so I assumed he didn't mind. After I rested my head upon his shoulder and shut my eyes tight.

"Don't worry about it, I'm a professional" he shouted back with a smirk planted on his face.

During our ride around I was praying that God would spare my life, I was petrified. I was so scared that when we came to a stand still I was still clutching onto Hayes, and I don't think that he could breathe. He took my hand and prised me off of him and took a seat on the sand after returning the jet ski to the owner.

I stood up upon the shore while Hayes sat down watching the others on their jet-skis, I looked around spottting a few foreign hotties and out of that crowd I spotted a strange blonde girl. That strange blonde girl was.. wait what. I had to take a double take and then rub my eyes.

"Hayes... turn around" I said slowly.

He turned around slowly, clearly not interested in what I was talking about but sure enough he jumped to life when he saw who she was.

" Uh, will you do me a favour?" Hayes asked.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Kiss me...?" He said reluctantly.

I was blowing up inside but, being my cool self I played it off with a simple smirk.

"I knew you always wanted me Grier" I joked.

I bent down to sit on his lap and initiated the kiss which I was rather enjoying, might I say it was a french.

Amelia's P.O.V

I clambered onto the front seat of the jet-ski since Jake was a pathetic driver and I sped off into the middle of the sea. Jake was screaming in my ear and I'm pretty sure it would burst soon, but I was in the moment and it brought a smile to my face.

After round about 2 minutes I had to turn around since the petrol (gas) was running low. As we pulled up to the shore and returned the jet-ski to the owner I saw two familiar faces making out.

"WOO! just a tad saucy?" I joked.

I looked up from Hayes and Alicia and saw Anneli behind Hayes' shoulder scowling down at him, I'm pretty sure she's going to scream.

Hayes and Alicia finally got off of eachother and started to grin.

"In 3...2....1"

Suddenly a shriek errupted out of Anneli's lungs which startled Hayes and Alicia although it did cause a big grin to grow onto Hayes' face.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Anneli cried.

"Kissing Alicia, I knew you were dumb but I didn't think it was this bad" Hayes said casually.

We all exploded in fits of laughter, her face was priceless she was expecting that and that's for sure!

"I will break up with you if you carry on" Anneli shouted.

"We were over 3 days ago, are you disillusional aswell?"

Anneli's fake exterior was cracking and it was clear she was going to have a mental break down, poor child.

She raised her hand and we were ready for the expected, but the unexpected happened. Hayes' caught her hand mid-slap and smiled at her.

"I'm sorry that you're upset but go and carry on with your pathetic life" He said "Bye now" he said in a girly tone.

Just as Anneli was walking away, Kyle and Jamie strolled towards us completely oblivious of the event that just took place. Little did they know, they just missed the first cheerleader rejection.

 Sorry guys that I hardly update, I can't gaurantee that they'll be more often but I do promise I'll try x

Finders Keepers (Hayes Grier Fanfiction) UNFINISHED MAY BE COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now