Marvel Defenders (Iron Fist)

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WATCH VIDEO FIRST. Helps explain a few things + is super cool looking.

A man walked down the street with the sense of purpose many people in life strive for. Unfortunately only his gait looked that way, his appearance not so much.

Lack of shoes, overgrown blond hair and beard, ill-fitting clothes, every aspect of this man screamed crazy. People on the streets side stepped to avoid him, glanced at their phones as they passed to avoid speaking with him. The man stops right beside a hot dog stand, staring up in awe at the glistening building infront of him. It soared above the other skyscrapers, black windows gleaming in the New York sun.

"That's my building," the blond man announces out loud.

The hot dog stand runner takes in the man's appearance before replying, "maybe you should sell it for some shoes."

The blond man pays no attention to the slightly rude remark and walks towards the building. Swinging the clear door open he marches up to the front desk and greets a woman tapping away on the computer keys.

"Uh, hello?" The man says trying to grab the woman's attention. The lady tears her eyes away from the screen to give the man a once-over. The clothing raises a few red flags and the woman's eyebrows.


"Hi, um, I'm here to see Eric Trunswick," the blond boy explains.

The woman gives the man a confused stare, not understanding his request, "I'm sorry, but that's impossible."

"I'm Conor Fenray. Son of Darren Fenray," the woman still doesn't respond, instead taking a small glance towards security, "I've been away for a long time."

"And you're here for Eric Trunswick," the woman says slowly.

"That's right," Conor answers.

"One minute please," the woman says finally giving Conor a smile. She picks up her phone to make a call and Conor wanders off to look around at his old building.

"I used to skateboard around here," he says to himself looking down the long foyer. Activity was small in the area, very few people walked on the white tiles. Conor's attention gets pulled away from reminiscing and he breaks out into a huge grin at the new addition to the floor.

A large rectangle sat on the ground, about waist height, and on top was a flat screen displaying the Fenray Enterprise logo. Conor smiles at the photos flash by showing the many accomplishments of the company, break throughs in medicine and environmental issues, helping others. Suddenly large hands wrap around Conor's arms and drag him away.

"Sorry kid, you don't belong here," a gruff voice tells him.

"Okay, guys slow down. It's me Conor Fenray, let me talk to Eric and this'll sort itself out," Conor argues, but digs his heels in as the doors get closer, "c'mon guys, I don't want to hurt you."

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