Monster AU (Part two)

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RECAP: Rollan's momma gone bye bye. Rollan almost killed by Drina the Siren. Saved by Conor the werewolf and Abeke the nature elf. New girl triggered at Rollan.

"Absolutely not," Meilin answers crossing her arm. Her eyes slide over to the boy who was currently sitting on a fallen log, carving the wood with a dagger.

"Absolutely yes," Abeke argues, "he's looking for his mom. So far he's the only mortal selfless enough to go into the woods. Maybe his one of the better ones."

"He's still a meatsack."

"Hey!" Conor interrupts, "I was a meatsack like six years ago."

"If Conor bites him, can he come?" Abeke asks.

Meilin shakes her head as Conor glares at Abeke, "not happening. He stays behind."

"Oh c'mon. He's going to be killed within seconds if we leave him alone," Conor fires back.

"When I went looking for answers you let me stay with you," Abeke reminds Meilin, "you defended me when the nature elfs came to kill me. What's the difference here? When Conor was lost because he attacked the village, you let him stay with us. Why can't Rollan?"

"You name them, you get attached," Meilin answers.

Abeke rolls her eyes, "no, that's his name his mom gave him, the mom who went missing and he's trying to find. Last time I checked the majority of demons and monsters started as humans."

"Yet humans are the ones killing us."


"Okay, that's it," Rollan suddenly says, "I know you guys are arguing about whether or not to keep me or let me die. It would be nice to have some allies here, but if you don't want me, here I go."

Rollan stands up and turns around to walk away. Abeke and Conor both turn to Meilin asking with their eyes.

Meilin huffs, "oh for fu- FINE you can stay."

Meilin hated to admit that the smile the kid gave her was enough to make up for her surrendering.


"So," Rollan starts awkwardly due to the silence, "nature elf? What does that mean?"

"Well, I'm half nature elf, the other half is something. I'm still trying to figure it out. Anyways, it just means I hold some sway over nature, I can make things grow, I can make things die etc. What about you?" Abeke asks turning towards the male.

Rollan freezes to give her a quizzical look, "I'm human. I'm really good at sleeping, complaining, and wanting to die. I have no powers."

"Oh, yeah," Abeke replies when she remembers Rollan's lack of supernatural abilities, "that sounds boring."

"It is! What about you wolf boy?" Rollan asks turning towards Conor who was trying to balance on a log.

Conor scowls at Rollan's choice of nickname, "call me that again and I will bite you. Then you won't be powerless."


Conor rolls his eyes, "sorry, just that name is super annoying."

"Just like you," Abeke sing-songs.

Conor throws a pinecone at her which she easily swatts away, "so Rollan, what about me."

"When the full moon comes up, do you get like fangs and stuff?" Rollan asks mimicking fangs with his hands.

Conor makes a face, "first of all, whoever started that full moon rumour is wrong. If every werewolf was to turn on the same day, everyone would be dead. Werewolves are the third most powerful beast."

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