Pacific Rim AU (Part 2)

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Because Griff-FanFic1933 liked the first one and it was mean to kill off four people in one story. The trailer is above so you guys know what this is about.

Ships: Reilin
John and Eliene
DASHA (Dawson and Tasha)
I guess Ravin?
Conbeke???? Eh not really.

Meilin sat on the couch in the common room unmoving. She was just released from the hospital and wanted to hear people. Usually Rollan would be sitting beside her saying a joke or being annoying.

This time he wasn't and never will be again.

Meilin jolts when someone sits across from her interrupting her thoughts. Conor stares at the ground. He's usual smiling face is replaced with a blank slat and below his eyes a dark colour spreads. His blond hair was messy and he had his pilot helmet in a death grip. Abeke sits down beside him and offers Meilin a weak smile.

"Shepard's on double time?" Meilin asks noting how tired the pair is and how they still wear their Jaeger uniforms.

"Rookie's almost done being fixed, but until then Shepard is the only Jaeger with two pilots," Abeke explains.

Abeke nudges Conor with her shoulder and the blond boy jumps, "what happened?"

"Nothing," Abeke answers worry etched on her face, "just I think we need a break."

Conor groans and rests his head on the back of the couch, "we can't. You heard Olvan, the Kaiju are surfacing more often. We're just lucky that they have all been level twos and below."

"Wait, so Rookie's almost done?" Eliene asks sitting down beside Meilin.

John sneaks up behind Eliene and breathes down her neck causing her to hit him in the face.

"Ow," he pouts rubbing his nose, "also Rookie is the stupidest name I've ever heard, we're changing it."

"To what?" Eliene says.

John thinks for a minute before huffing, "I don't know. I'll figure it out."

"How's Dawson?" Abeke asks upon realizing the other missing pilot.

"With Devin," John answers, "I don't think he moved yet."

Meilin didn't know if John meant Dawson or Devin, but so far there was no difference.

"Rache?" Conor questions about his old co-pilot.

John shifts back and forth on his feet, "um, different. They don't think she'll be back to normal."

Meilin scrunches up her forehead, "wait, what's wrong with Rache?"

"They think brain damage. She hasn't been realized from the hospital yet, but so far she randomly spaces out, passes out, and can't sleep. An aftereffect of the bond breaking forcefully causes her to relive Lei's memories," Eliene explains.

"Oh," is all Conor can say.

The group lapses into uncomfortable silence, waiting for Tarik or Lishay to scold them for being up, Rollan to crack a joke so that the silence will break, or even Lei's attempts to flirt with Rache. Meilin closes her eyes and rubs her forehead.

Not only were four pilots dead, but one was in a coma, another refused to leave his side, and the third couldn't focus. The whole team was falling apart.

Eilene coughs and asks the question no one else wants to, "when are we going to test new recruits?"

Four pairs of eyes snap to her direction and the dark haired girl freezes, "well, we need someone to replace the lost pilots. I understand that this is a tough topic, but we currently have one Jaeger, that's no where near close to being enough. What do we do if the same attack happens again?"

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